4. Finding Rules

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The wind is whirring past my ears, I'm floating above the city skyline. Looking down I see it bustling with life in the mid day sun. Drivers honking their horns in frustrated boredom, pedestrians walking either with their friends or alone heading to their various destinations. All of a sudden my body goes rigid, frozen in fear.

A dark looming shadow of a man fills the sky and I start falling, fast. My arms flail around frantically as I watch myself drop in the skyscraper windows on either side of me.I'm screaming or at least I feel like I am but no sound is coming out.

The shadow reaches down to me slowly and I brace myself for the impact of the concrete sidewalk, squeezing my eyes shut. And then, I'm falling in nothing. literally nothing, I'm surrounded by a black void but I can still feel wind ripping my body as I fall. My heart is beating a million miles a minute I think it's about to explode.

I wake up, shooting up immediately my face damp with sweat, to a knocking at the bedroom door,

"Hello?" I say while wiping my face with the back of my hand.

The door creaks open and my grandma leans in "Harry sweetheart, breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes, the bathroom is down the hall so you can freshen up first" She says smiling at me with that same stupid smile she was using yesterday.

"Um yeah thanks, what time is it?" I say straightening up more in bed.

"Five am my love" she replies before closing the door and heading downstairs.

What the absolute fucking fuck, five am, is this place some sort of freaky alternate universe where humans don't need a decent amount of damn sleep, not that I'm not glad that weird dream is over, but Jesus Christ there has got to be at least some sort of unspoken seven am rule .

I debate skipping breakfast for a few more hours of sweet, sweet sleep. But my stomach makes such an ungodly sound that it practically forces me out of bed. I grab my toiletries bag and a change of clothes before peeking out my door to see if anyones in the hall, it's clear, I sprint to the other side of the hall praying that the door I'm reaching for leads to the bathroom.

Relief washes over me when I open the door and see a blue and white decorated bathroom, it's small, but nothing I can't work with. I put my bag down on the side on one side of the sink and chuck my clothes on the other. Peeling off my tank top and underwear I make my way over to the shower/bathtub, been a while since I've seen one of these. I fiddle with the shower handle till it turns on and goes from freezing to scalding hot, just the way I like it.

One foot after the other I step in immersing myself in the burning water, tension I didn't even realise I was holding in my spine releases and I start to wash yesterday off of me. I look at the choices of body wash on the shower rack hanging on the wall, Old spice or lavender and chamomile. I pick up the Old spice squirt some into my palm and scrub myself down. I don't bother with shampoo or conditioner for my dreads, I washed them the morning before I left yesterday.I lift my face up letting the water directly splash onto my face and begin to use the water to get what I can of the left over mascara from yesterday off my lashes.

I check my armpits and legs, meh they can go a few more days without needing a shave. I turn off the shower and reach for one of the clean teal towels, that I assume are for me, sitting neatly folded at the bottom of the towel rack and wrap it around myself before stepping out. My hair starts to drip but I use the hair tie on my wrist to secure my dreads in a makeshift ponytail on my head. I step over to the sink, get my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag and start brushing my teeth.

Once I've finished my four minutes of vigorous brushing, to make up for not brushing last night. I start on my morning skincare, a splash of water to the face and cocoa butter moisturiser, it's basic but it does the job. Then I dry myself off, pat my hair with the towel to soak up some of the moisture and reach for my clothes. I slide on an ancient pair of hello kitty underwear that have been through hell but for some reason I refuse to get rid of, the same socks I was wearing yesterday, a pair of baggy flared blue jeans and one of my dads old t shirts that I stole from his closet, it's black with the old Rolling Stones logo plastered right in the middle to decorate it, it smells like him, wood dust and soap. I quickly apply a coat of winged eyeliner with some mascara and red tinted lip balm before neatly hanging up my towel and picking up my stuff and heading back to the bedroom.

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