17. Finding Something

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Astrid sets down two drinks on the table, Diet Coke for Ray and a cream soda float for me. She has excitement plastered all over her face and looks like she's about to burst as her eyes flicker between me and Ray.

What did he whisper to her.

My mind struggles to think any possible reason for her to be acting this way after literally just being told something by a stranger, but then I realise I don't even know this woman maybe she's just always super excited and weird with everyone. Something still feels slightly fishy though.

I scoff at my last thought when I notice a giant grey fish mounted on the wall above Ray, how convenient.

"What can I get you to eat sweetheart?" She pulls out a small notepad and pen from the small apron tied around her waist turning her body to face me.

"I'll have the mushroom ravioli" Astrid quickly writes down my order before taking the menu from the table and turning to Ray.

"And you doll?" Ray hums looking over the menu once more as if he's unsure, the dick has spent the past ten minutes with his face hidden behind the thing ignoring my questioning of what he's done, If he doesn't know what the fuck he wants to eat I'm gonna lose my mind.

"Pepperoni pizza for me please" He hands the menu over to Astrid once she's done writing down his food order, giving her a nod of thanks before she heads off, that bright smile still on her face. 

I glare at him while taking a sip of my drink through the straw, he mimics my action taking a sip of his own drink before leaning back against the booth.

"Your resting face is quite mean, anyone would think you're mad at me" He tilts his head to the side putting on an innocent tone and I roll my eyes "Shouldn't do that either my grandma told me that's how your eyes get stuck" He nods, I groan.

"Seriously debating my judgement for agreeing to come get food with you right now" I rest my chin on my hand, elbow propped up on the table.

That's not really true, his stupid act is somewhat entertaining and way better than having to endure dinner with my Grandad's condescending glares and my Grandma's looks of pity, even though I actually have yet to eat dinner with them I'm fairly sure it would go down something like that.

"I'm just messing around I'm sure you'd look super hot with your eyes all the way back in your head like a zombie" He grins before taking a gulp of Diet Coke.

"Gee thanks" I take another sip of my drink letting my eyes slide over to the large glass window.

I think my eyes are starting to play tricks on me when I spot a certain guy standing on the other side of the marina leaning against a lamp post staring straight at me, anger and jealousy in his eyes. I shake my head slightly and trying to focus to see if Cain is seriously standing across there staring daggers at me, but he's not there anymore.

This place is driving me crazy.

"What college do you think you're gonna go to after senior year" Ray says snapping me back to our conversation, how the fuck did we get onto future colleges.

"I dunno, I've always felt like my life is leading me somewhere outside the world of academic achievement" I respond twirling my straw round my drink.

"So.. Art school?" Ray grins at me as if he's just made the funniest joke ever, and I shake my head a small laugh escaping my lips.

It was a pity laugh. A pity laugh.

"Something like that" I honestly have no plans past senior year, I don't know why, it's just never seriously occurred for me to make any "What about you?"

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