15. Finding Out

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Felicity and Alexia start drag me through the house before I even have a chance to protest, one gripping each of my hands tightly. I'm surprised that two four foot girls have so much damn strength, considering I tried my best to plant my feet to the ground, and they still managed to get me to stumble quickly after them into a small bathroom.

"Then once you have soap in your hands like this, you put them together like this" Alexia shows me the iridescent pink soap she has in her hands before she starts to rub them together frantically.

"Yeah I think I know how to wash my hands Alexia" I nod my head and give her a small smile as I sit on the edge of bathtub in the cramped space my eyes constantly snapping to and from the cabinet under the sink .

She shrugs her shoulders at me before turning back to face the sink, continuing to wash her hands with her sister, both of them standing side by side on a bright pink stepping stool to help them reach the water.

I tap my feet on the linoleum floor, my stomach growls and I start to get impatient.

"You guys almost done?" I stand up and stretch my arms out.

Almost as if they were waiting for my cue Felicity turns off the tap and Alexia grabs the hand towel from the side of the sink, drying her hands before handing it to Felicity who does the same. They turn round in sync and jump off the stool.

Creepy, fucking creepy.

Alexia walks out the bathroom first, I follow behind eager to get a taste of the food that's scent has started to spread from the grill, through the garden and into the house.

"Harry" Felicity tugs on the back of my skirt causing me to stop and I suppress a groan,

God if I ever get pregnant I have got to remind myself to take a long walk off a short pier.

"Yep" I turn round looking down at her,

"Can I wear those" She lifts her hand and points to my neck, I look down and remember that I had kept my sunglasses tucked on the front of my shirt, "Please" she adds turning on a pleading tone.

"Uh- sure" I respond confused while taking them off me and handing them to her "Just make sure you give them back alright I need those".

It's true I do.

She grabs them from my hands with a huge grin and puts them over her eyes, they look far too big on her and hang slightly tilted to the right that makes me laugh a little bit which makes her giggle response.

"I'll give 'em back, promise" She nods her head at me as if to reassure me then speeds off and out of the house after Alexia, My eyebrows raise and I walk after.

My stomach lets out another growl this time much louder than the other one, I increase my speed practically speed walking through the living room, Please just let me get something in my stomach before I lose my mind.    

Once I finally make it back outside the layout of the table has changed drastically. Now joining the plates, cups, soda and cutlery is a literally insane amount of chicken wings, steak, mashed potatoes, salad, sausages, corn on the cob and few scary looking mystery meats that I'm planning to steer very clear of. 

My eyes go ever to Ray who's sitting opposite his Mom and Barnaby at the table who are engaged in a lively conversation. He nods his head towards the space in-between him and Alexia, who's sitting opposite Felicity, eyeing up my sunglasses on her face with a jealous scowl.I walk over and sit down next to Ray, His Mom glances over at me and stops mid sentence.

"It's crazy how much you look like your Mom" My eyes go wide in surprise as the sentence leaves her mouth.

Two thoughts enter my head firstly, how does she know what my Mom looks like and secondly, Most people think I look like my dad. I think mostly cause I have his eyes rather than her's. The first thing people realise about her is her eyes. As well as most of my mannerisms coming from my Dad, I think I read somewhere that you're most like the parent you connect with the best but that could be a load of bullshit.

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