27. Finding Fruit

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Water laps around my body as I lie floating in the salty waves of the ocean facing the bright blue sky. The sun is blazing as it beats down on my face but the refreshing water offers just the right amount of coolness for me to be able to enjoy the sun's rays.

All I can see is the clear sky. I feel completely at peace as my dreads float around with me in the soft, rippling waves. Taking a deep breath, I inhale through my nose. Only expecting the now comforting smell of sea salt but am surprised when my senses are filled by the scent of not only salt but also cherries and cinnamon.

Relishing in my tiny moment of tranquility I wade my arms in the water and close my eyes tightly shut. 

The waves start picking up speed to the point where I shoot my eyes open and try to swim back to the shore, then I realise I don't know which direction shore is.

Looking up I notice the sky has turned a dark grey, black clouds now covering my once perfect, clear sky. Around me the ocean has turned from calm to enraged in a matter of moments.

The force of the tide pulls and pushes me side to side tossing me around the waves. I cough and splutter as the salty water splashes against my face, entering my mouth as I hopelessly try catch my breath.

Panic rises in my chest when I see a monstrous looking billow approaching me. Before I have the chance to take a breath my head is submerged in the now murky green waters.

My lungs fill as the current pulls me further and further down. I struggle, practically clawing at the water attempting to get back above. Back to my clear sky and calm waters.

It doesn't work though. The last of the air leaves my lungs and my eyes sting as I watch it bubble up to the surface leaving me behind in the depths.

Why am I always left behind in the depths.

Soreness in my arms cause me to stop waving them around against the water. I feel tired so I stop. I just stop. I stop fighting against the current and let it drag me down.

I close my eyes giving up. 

A strong arm wraps around my waist pulling me up back to safety. I cough up the water in my lungs breathing in deep breaths of air ignoring the strong burning sensation, desperate to fill my lungs with oxygen.     


My eyes snap open. A wave of unease sets over me but I don't understand why, I know I dreamt of something last night but I can't for the life of me remember what. Pushing my feelings to the side I focus on the other side of my brain that's actually excited to be awake at this time of morning.

Excited to go surf. Excited to go meet Ray at the beach.

My hand shoots over to the bedside table. I grab my phone pulling it from the charging cable, turning the alarm off and sliding out of bed. The feel of sweat lying all over my skin feels very present so I open the wardrobe pick out an outfit then head straight for the bathroom in desperate need of my usual morning shower.

I stop in my tracks on the cool tiles of the bathroom floor. This is not usual, this is not my routine, this is temporary all of this is just temporary. Come the 1st of August I'll be on a flight back to Seattle, back home.

Chucking my shirt over my head I dump it in the hamper next to the toilet after placing my fresh clothes down on the side of the sink before turning the shower on and stepping into instantly. Washing my body with Old Spice, Letting the water run through my dreads, shaving my legs and armpits as well as tidying up my bikini line while I'm at it.

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