Chapter 4

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Author's Note:

You guys are insane! This story ranked #66 in the Rosekook tag! It already has 500 reads with 63 total votes, even with 3 chapters. You guys are so supportive. It makes me want to leave anything and just work on an update 😂 (I would probably do that if I could, but I am graduating, so ...) 😳

Plus, I've already got 8.6k reads on Living the Idol Life! I cannot understand what I did to deserve this! Thank you so much, guys! 🥰

Anyways, Happy happy Birthday to our baby bear, Taehyung 💜💜💜 , The person that got me to stan BTS! 💖

Also, I wrote this during Sana's birthday, so this chapter is dedicated to her ❤️ My Sanake. 💟

Regrets washed over Chaeyoung as she entered the University. She wished she convinced herself enough to stay at home or take a whole day shift at the Café she is working at because today is not the day for an anti-social like her.

A-High prides itself on producing the best of the best students in Korea. Not just in the field of academics, but also in the areas of arts, dance, sports, etc. For this reason, the University gives so much value to Clubs and Organizations that the whole of the second day of classes is intended for Club Exhibits, a day for students to just roam around the booths in the field and sign up for their desired Clubs or Organizations.

Chaeyoung has no problems with it. But it is not her cup of tea. She has already decided not to join any extra-curricular activities just because she wanted to focus on her studies. More than that, she doubted she would have time to spend attending club meetings or practices. She works as a part-time waitress at a Café and sometimes as a delivery girl at the same café.

Seeing how crowded the field is, she immediately headed towards the direction of the building where the Precariat's lair is located, Danae Building.

She honestly doesn't have much choice where to go. The only place she knew in the University is her classroom, the Cafeteria, and the Precariat's lair. Obviously, the last one is the best option for her. That's considering that as Joy and Yeri said it and as she witnessed it firsthand, there aren't much people who find the place interesting unless they want to be bullied by the whole school for being poor.

As Chaeyoung reached the stairs towards the rooftop, she heard voices of people talking precisely from the place where she planned to spend the rest of the day. She slowed down her pace as she tried to estimate how many people are there. She could identify three voices, and it looked like they were fighting, or much more like the two shouting and the one speaking softly.

Chaeyoung bit her lip in frustration, realizing that her plan to avoid people had just been ruined. She could go back down, but she doubted she could find any space in the University unoccupied. Precariat's lair is the last place that any students would visit. If it had people in it, how much more the other sites in the University?

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