Chapter 17

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"Chaeyoung, I'm going to the Polymath's quarter now. Would you like to go with me?"

Taehyung asked her as soon as their last class for the day ended. 

"You can go ahead. I have to go to the clinic for a while." Chaeyoung responded, clutching her stomach. The stupid dysmenorrhea she's been carrying since the day started would not really let her rest unless she takes painkillers. 

"Are you okay? D-do you want me to accompany you?" Taehyung asked worriedly. 

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm ... on my period, and I'm having cramps. I just need Analgesics, really." She immediately replied. 

"Are you sure? I can accompany you" Taehyung insisted. "I don't have anything to do at the Polymath's quarter unless you're there, anyway." He added. 

"I'm okay, Tae. I swear. You don't have to worry too much." Chaeyoung said before grabbing her bag. "I'll see you in the quarters, okay?" She said before finally walking away, leaving Taehyung with a slumped shoulder. 

She was close to storming to the Chef club where Sana is, to borrow a knife and rip off her lower abdomen. She is a fierce, independent woman until she experiences this type of pain that her monthly uninvited visitor would always bring. 

As soon as she reached the clinic, she immediately greeted the nurse who was about to leave somewhere if she hadn't come. 

"Can I ask for painkillers for period cramps?" She asked. 

"I'm actually on the way to the storage room to get those. It looks like this is the time of the month for most girls in this University." The nurse joked. "Could you stay here and wait a while?" She asked, to which she just nodded. 

"Here, take this while I get your painkillers." She said, handing Chaeyoung a heating pad. 

"Thank you," Chaeyoung replied before taking a seat at one of the couches as she watched the older woman leave. 

The heating pad is definitely useless. She just took it so it wouldn't look like she's invalidating the nurse's effort. Nonetheless, she pressed it gently on her lower abdomen as she cursed under her breath. 

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