Chapter 26

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Author's Note: 

Hi! A little bit late because I lost track of time. This wasn't proofread so expect spelling and grammatical errors. 

Are you still streaming butter? Please do! Love you all!


It is the day of Chaeyoung and Taehyung's championship. 

Yes, they managed to reach the finals after the bloody elimination and pre-championship rounds they dedicated their blood, sweat, and tears to. 

The whole university suspended all the classes in support of them since it's not every day that A-high students would be representing Korea in an international Algebra competition. Students are gathered in the field where a gigantic LED screen is set up so they could see the Olympiads live from Tokyo.  

Jungkook can't seem to understand why he was there, why he chose to be there. 

Everything around him reminds him how demolished he felt—the banners with pictures of Taehyung and Chaeyoung, the free shirts distributed by the designers club with the duo's pictures, and most especially the approval of the student body on their partnership. 

"Are you okay?" Bambam whispered as soon as he took the seat beside him. Jungkook just nodded, not really keen on extending the conversation since their other friends are with them. 

"Kook, is Jimin coming?" Jennie asked worriedly, noticing that the blonde is not with him. 

Jungkook responded by shaking his head. Jimin didn't even go to school today. He is probably in their house drinking the whiskey he kept under his bed since he is grounded from going anywhere, especially the bar; after his father found out he skipped classes to drink. 

As if choreographed, everyone sighed deeply. They were all worried about Jimin. And as much as Jungkook is, he can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. Would they be that worried if they knew he is as heartbroken as Jimin? 

His deep pondering was interrupted by the loud cheer of the crowd. Jungkook immediately lifted his head as the LED screen lit up, displaying an empty stage with the words "International Algebra Olympiad" written in the background. 

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