Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

Hello, Early update cause I'd be having an exam on Thursday and Friday. My next update would probably be on the weekends next week.

This is a long update. A gift to all of my Chaelisa and Rosekook readers. Love all of you to death! 



Taehyung stopped walking when he heard someone call his name.

He was about to open the Elite Headquarter's door, longing for a good lunch since he skipped his breakfast today. But obviously, he had to postpone that for a while to attend to the certain person calling his name.

"Wait up!"

Taehyung was a bit disappointed to see that it was her elder sister who was calling him. Kim Jisoo.

His brows furrowed upon scanning her appearance. She was beet red, and her lips were as pale as the white walls of the quarters, her hair going in different directions as if she just got into a fight and her uniform was so wrinkled.

Jisoo would spend an hour a day trying to look the best, especially when they're off to school. According to her, looking presentable is one of the components of being a good leader. Taehyung doesn't know much about leadership, so he doesn't argue and waits for her patiently instead.

So it surprised him. It surprised him to see his sister looking like a mess.

"What happened to you?" Taehyung asked while her sister catch her breath. She might have been running all the way to the quarters, which could explain why she looked the way she is now.

"N-nothing. Have you seen Chaeyoung?" She asked. Taehyung's brow furrowed even more.

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