Chapter 23

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Author's Note: (Please Read!) 

I'm back. Also, Someone raised a concern to me about a plot hole in this story. I don't know what has gotten into me but I will edit that mistake. It says in Chapter 18 (It was Jimin who said it) that Chaeyoung is a runaway from a rich family who adopted her from the Orphanage. I would like to say this is a mistake and the real story is she run away from the orphanage itself and started a life of her own. This is consistent with what she reasoned out to Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook when they found out about Mark (See Chapter 19). 

It was @_RosieRed_who found this loophole. So thank you so much and this chapter is dedicated to you because of your fun comments. 

Anyways, if I don't reply to your comments that doesn't mean I'm forgetting you as a reader. I am just really occupied these days. I will try to reply as much as I can. 

Also, this has not been proofread. If there are grammatical errors and such, i am so sorry. 

Enjoy this long chapter.  


Jimin's jetplane arrived later than scheduled. Supposed to be, at 5 pm, they are already in Seoul as requested by Jisoo and Joon, the only ones who obsessively cared about the exams the day after. But for some reasons out of their control, it is already 8 pm, and they are still on the jet.

Most were nursing their hangover. Especially Taehyung, who also has to deal with his sister's litany about responsible drinking. Other than that, everyone has succumbed to slumber. Jungkook and Namjoon are currently in a choral performance with their strangely in-sync and complementary snores.

If it were a normal day, Yoongi would have been the first one to fall deep asleep the moment they step into the plane.

But it was far from normal for him. Cause on normal days; he would have been at peace with Jennie by his side. Her mere presence assuring him that he would never be alone again.

Now he felt completely alone, and Jennie isn't the one to blame. If it were anyone's fault, it would be his. A person could only bear so much, and Jennie might have been fed up with what seemed like an unending loop of his depressed state. She might have realized she deserved better, and Yoongi couldn't be better. She might have realized that marrying someone, even if you don't feel anything for that person, was a better choice than deal with a suicidal.

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