Chapter 33

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Author's Note: 

I'm telling you, guys. I barely survive September and October is already killing me as if I'm not half-dead yet. I'm sorry that this took so long, really. Thank you for your patience and concern. Love you all! I hope you like this!

PS: Forgive me for spelling or grammatical errors. I don't have the luxury of time to proofread because I have so much to read for the finals. 



There was a tug in Jennie's heart when she twisted the doorknob of the Elite headquarters. The door was barely opened yet, but her eyes were already desperately scanning the room, hoping she could see someone, anyone.

It has only been a day since the news about Jisoo and Jin erupted. She hasn't seen both of them since the confrontation with Namjoon. She's certain Jisoo is at the university based on A-High Gossip's tweets, but they haven't come across each other. It is predictable for Jin to take an absence, so he might have done that. As for Namjoon, the most pitiful in the situation, Jennie heard he filed a leave of absence as the student council's president. He's undoubtedly determined to avoid Jisoo, and since they're classmates, it's only safe to assume that he also took a day out of school. 

There was also the problem with Jimin and Taehyung, and Apparently, Lisa and Hobi. As if that's isn't bad enough, Jennie and Yoongi are dealing with things as well. And so, the Elite headquarters is the last place any of the members would choose to be right now. It's only a reminder of how their long history of friendship, what they once thought as indestructible, is already on crumbles. 

Much to Jennie's dismay, there was no one in the room. No Jin and Hobi loudly playing billiards completely ignoring Yoongi shushing them as he's working on new music. No Jimin and Jungkook drinking their lungs out in the corner of the room until they're too drunk to go to their next class. No Lisa blabbing about how incompetent their Math teacher is even when everyone in the room knows she just generally hates the subject and puts the blame on the poor teacher. No Nayeon and Tzuyu, always on their phones waiting for the latest collections of haute couture. No Jisoo and Namjoon discussing their next project for the University then getting distracted in the middle, and ending up cuddled with each other on the couch, only to get separated by Taehyung who wanted someone to talk to about his existential dread. There was no one. 

Jennie sighed before walking slowly towards her table at the study station. She carefully placed her things and brought out her laptop from her bag. She had a handful of backlogs to clear since almost all of her time out of school was spent planning her wedding. 

With a crack of her knuckles, she started her homework. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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