Chapter 18

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Author's Note: 

I know I said I'd update "tomorrow" the other day. I'm so sorry for being late. Had a minor author's block. I hope you enjoy this chapter, though. 

Anyways, thank you to those who sent me messages on my wall, sending me good luck and warm words. I love you all! 50ShadesOfBored inteeth parkchaesthetic and for those who waited patiently, special mention to Aqua_Hestia liajade_56 xWhOsToLeJiMinSJaMsx. And of course to everyone!!!!

Contue streaming On the ground!


For the first time since Chaeyoung has been dismissed from working at the café, she misses the working environment. 

Of course, there has always been a void within her heart ever since she left there. But because she was too occupied for the past weeks, with the music festival and the competition, she wasn't given the opportunity to entertain the feeling (fortunately). 

Now that she's in her apartment on a Sunday, with nothing to do but to stare at the passing vehicles from her window, she's more than dejected for being fired. 

Although things are way better than they are the last time, with her pocket full of money from the competition she won, she would still prefer to stay at the café. She'd prefer to make coffee for people running late on their jobs, serve frappes to university students planning to have all-nighters, bicker with Hyunsoo, and stroll around Seoul under the excuse of delivering food. 

Deciding that sulking is not a good way to spend the rest of the day, she walked back to her bed and decided to just sleep the day away. 

But she stopped midway upon hearing a series of knocks on her door. 

Her brow immediately furrowed. 

"Who's there?" She asked as she walked closer to the door. 

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