Chapter 16

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"Chaeyoung, I really don't know what I'm going to do," Lisa said, sobbing. 

She and Lisa are currently at the Precariat's Lair, waiting for the lunch break to end. The girl visited her right after she, Sana, and Ryujin finished eating. 

Sana decided to leave since she would be preparing for a report. While Ryujin decided to do the same, saying she'll go to the Library to borrow more Algebra books she could use to review for the competition. 

Chaeyoung sensed that Sana and Ryujin would have stayed a little longer at the lair if it wasn't for Lisa. But maybe they immediately understood that Lisa needs alone time with Chaeyoung, which is easy to spot since Lisa arrived at the lair bawling her eyes out.

"You've been crying for like five minutes, and I'm not getting a single explanation as to why. What do you expect me to answer?" Chaeyoung asked. 

"It's Hobi-Oppa," Lisa said before she crashed down her head on the table and cried hysterically. Chaeyoung sighed deeply before placing a hand on her back. 

"What happened?" Chaeyoung asked. 

"I-i told him I'm moving on, Chaeyoung," Lisa said in between her sobs. 

"Uhmmm ... No offense, but how is that exactly a bad thing?" Chaeyoung asked. 

"Oh my god. Why are you so dense? Of course, because I don't want to move on!" Lisa groaned. "Even if I want to, I don't think I could. Tell me, where could I possibly find someone as perfect as Jung Hoseok?!" Lisa added.  

"You know you don't have any choice, right? He and Joy are dating already. Besides, if you have a chance on him, the two of you would've happened a long time ago. But you didn't." Chaeyoung nonchalantly answered, causing Lisa to cry even more.  

"Why did I even think it was a good idea to talk to you about this? The only thing you're doing is crushing my heart as if it isn't crushed enough already." Lisa complained. 

"I'm being honest, Lisa. Don't expect me to coddle you." Chaeyoung replied. "Besides, what are you going to do? Resort to desperate measures to break off their relationship? You, of all people, should know how happy Hobi is around Joy. That's low of you to do that." Chaeyoung said. 

"I know," Lisa replied, bowing her head, reminiscing the smile on Hobi's face when he was talking to Joy over the phone or the way his eyes lit up when he talked about her. 

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