Chapter 9

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Author's Note:

One of the longest Chapters I have written. I hope you appreciate it.

I was about to update yesterday. But because this chapter is soooooo looooong. I had to postpone it.


Chaeyoung slowly removed her apron and untangled her bun before sitting on the stall chair in the kitchen. She just finished her duty at the Café, and to say that she's tired is an understatement. She was drained.

It was the type of exhaustion that transcends the physical. She was mentally and emotionally consumed. If she had the choice, she would spend the rest of her day in her bed. But of course, she doesn't have any choice, and even if she had, she doubted sleeping would heal her. The only thing that could make her feel better right now is playing some music, and unfortunately for her, she doesn't have a piano or a guitar.

She balled her fist upon tracing back the reason behind her weariness. Jeon Jungkook. After his publicity stunt and Chaeyoung's outburst, she suddenly felt all of her energy leaving her body. It was as if all the anger and frustration building up within her worn out all the remaining energy she had. The fact that Taehyung intruded wasn't much help either. He only added more reasons for the students to talk about what happened. Why can't they just leave her alone?

"Chaeyoung, are you okay?" Hyunsoo asked. Judging from the way she got rid of her white polo shirt, she was already set to leave.

"I am. I'm going home in a while," Chaeyoung said and smiled.

"Arasso. Take care." Hyunsoo said before leaving.

Chaeyoung sighed deeply before standing up to grab her bag at the locker just behind the kitchen. Like she always does, she didn't bother to change her café uniform, and that's mainly because her dorm is just a few blocks away.

"I'm going home, Manager-nim. Thank you." Chaeyoung said before finally walking out of the Café's door.

As soon as she set her foot outside, she immediately noticed the White Porsche at the parking space in front of the Café. The Porsche had been there a few minutes after she began her duty. She didn't give it much thought since, after all, it could be owned by one of their customers because the parking space is obviously just for them.

But as far as she could remember, there are no more customers inside. The fact that the lights are already turned off, and the signboard hanged at the door says "closed," supports this claim. It couldn't be her manager's Porsche. He isn't too rich to be able to afford a car of this type.

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