Chapter 32

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Author's Note:

Definitely not proofread. Read at your own risk.


"What did I fucking tell you!?"

Tzuyu asked as she harshly grabbed Seulgi by her right arm. There's rage dancing in Tzuyu's dark brown orbs as she looks down at the shorter girl; it made her almost look out of control. The stark contrast of her ominously calm tone added to it.

Looking at her, Seulgi felt her insides flip. It was more than just because Tzuyu's nails are digging on the skin of her arms, making little crescents. It was because Seulgi knows she's capable of doing more than just inflicting physical pain to people who "wrong" her.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about." Seulgi tried to deny. She gently removed Tzuyu's arms, but she was gripping too hard.

"You know. You know exactly, Seulgi." Tzuyu said, gritting her teeth. "Or do you want me to squeeze the words out of you?" She asked. It was evident that her patience was already wearing out. Like a ticking time bomb, any minute she'd explode—an explosion that Suelgi knows would cause irreversible grave consequences, especially to her.

"You are the person behind the recording, Arent' you?" Tzuyu said. "so fucking impatient to have Jimin back, you're not even thinking." Tzuyu added.

"I ... I thought it through Tzuyu." Seulgi defended, making Tzuyu narrow her eyes. "Look at where Jimin and Chaeyoung are now!"

"Chaeyoung is with Jungkook, you stupid bitch! When are you going to put it inside your head that you suck at this, and you should just stick with my plan!" Tzuyu screamed, startling Seulgi. The former closed her eyes and exhaled sharply in an attempt to calm herself. She then proceeded to look around just to make sure no one heard her. There's no one. They're in a secluded area in the university.

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