Chapter 30

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Sorry for the late update. My academic works won't leave me alone. I wish I could earn by writing stories here. That way, life would have been easy and I won't have to freaking study hahahaha. Enjoy u guys! 


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Chaeyoung frustratedly massaged her temples as she read the tweet from Sana's phone.

Early Monday morning, she barely started her day, and she has to deal with this shit already.

Sana waited for her at the gates of A-High. As soon as she saw her, she dragged her to the nearest washroom to interrogate her about the authenticity of the said post that was apparently posted last Saturday when she and Jimin went out for their first date as a couple.

She doesn't have any problems telling Sana the truth. After all, Sana is a great friend of hers. What she had a problem with is the fact that people are literally feasting on her personal life like it's their business. Sure, Chaeyoung already knew the consequences of being in a relationship with Jiminthat's like a glaring concern that cannot be simply ignoredbut it's a different story when you're actually in the situation.

"Are you not going to talk to me? cause we only have five minutes before our first subject starts, and I'm not going to let you go unless I squeeze out the whole truth from you." Sana said, eagerness evident in her tone.

Chaeyoung sighed deeply, momentarily shutting her eyes close before she turned to Sana. 

"Yes, it's true. Jimin and I are officially dating." Chaeyoung said as nonchalantly as she could as of the moment, which isn't really that much considering how giddy she feels at the thought. 

Sana squealed. The fact that they are in an enclosed, tiled space amplified the high-pitch sound a thousand times, almost breaking Chaeyoung's eardrums. 

"Oh my god! Chaeyoung! I am so happy for you!" Sana genuinely said, pulling Chaeyoung to a tight hug. 

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