Chapter 15

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"Hello, Jagiya?"

A smile was automatically etched on Hobi's lips as he heard his girlfriend's voice from the other line.

Weeks have passed, and he still cannot get over the fact that Joy is already his to call. The last three weeks have been rainbows and butterflies for him. He thought he had never been happier, especially because he knew Joy was just as happy.

"Are you already home?" He asked, suppressing a giggle. Even talking to Joy over the phone makes him feel giddy like a 16-year-old high schoolboy.

"Yes. I am already home." The girl answered. "You know what, Mr. Jung, I think you should stop worrying about me and have fun with your Elite Circle friends there," Joy said and let out a chuckle.

Hobi glanced at his friends who are in his living room, continuing their drinking sesh. All the other visitors have left, except the Elite Circle, who planned to stay until god knows when.

Namjoon and Yoongi are currently nursing Jisoo and Jennie, who have just finished their dance-off, while Jin and Jungkook watched from afar laughing and filming the boys' struggles. Lisa and Jimin are arguing over something Hobi had no idea of. He could only guess they're arguing about who's smarter than who since that's their go-to debate topic. Taehyung, on the other hand, is leaning back restlessly on the couch, fiddling with his fingers and occasionally glancing at the guest room's door where Chaeyoung is currently sleeping.

He missed Tzuyu and Nayeon. The two might have also been brokenhearted for being absent on his special day. Nayeon said she had to attend a ribbon-cutting for their newly-opened hospital in Singapore. It's not as if Singapore is only a walking distance from Seoul, so the girl's attendance is impossible.

Tzuyu, on the other hand, reasoned she woke up with a bad headache. Hobi didn't really believe that alibi. But he let her off, knowing that the girl is obviously trying to avoid Jungkook.

"I'll be joining them in a while. I just wanted to check on you." Hobi said.

"I'm fine, okay? Yeri drove well despite being tipsy." Joy replied and laugh.

"I need to treat Yeri for filling up my boyfriend duties," Hobi said, which made the girl laugh even further. "And of course, I need to make it up to you," He added.

"Ahhh. Jagiya, You drive me almost every day. Stop thinking about it. Now go and have fun with your friends," Joy said.

"Arasso. I will see you tomorrow?" Hobi asked.

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