Chapter 10

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Author's Note:

Warning: Sensitive Topic will be discussed ahead. Issues regarding Mental health, depression, and suicide. If you are not comfortable, I suggest you skip it.

I'm back after a week!

Have you seen Rosie's solo teaser? Ma'am, she's insane! Also, Pretty Savage at Late Late Show was fire af. How can the girls be so pretty?

Enjoy reading!


Chaeyoung closed her eyes, hoping it could magically subside the pain she was feeling on her wounded side.

She was sure it had stopped bleeding this morning after she spent the whole night pressing it down with a clean cloth. She did not even have problems riding a motorbike on the way to school with Lisa behind her. The pain was also tolerable, almost non-existent ever since she sat in class.

But for some unknown reason, it began to hurt thirty minutes ago. It was a pain so intense it made her dizzy. She could barely see or hear anything. The fact that she had to keep a straight face through the pain was a torture of a different kind, almost as worse as being cut with a knife after being choked.

She shook off the memory that just flashed on her head. It was the same memory that kept her up last night. Up until now, she still couldn't decipher; she just survived another near-death experience. It brought back a lot of memories. Memories that she had been trying not to revisit, but ends up doing. 

The only thing that's keeping her together is the fact that the bell could ring any moment now. Maybe she could go to the clinic to ask for a medical cloth or something during lunch breaks. Of course, she doesn't want to let the nurse see her wound. They might question her where she got it, and she was almost sure she cannot invent a strong alibi considering that it looked just like what it is; a cut from a knife.

At last, the bell rung. Chaeyoung almost jumped in joy. The teacher bid her goodbye and walked out of the room along with some of her classmates, who raced their way to the door for reasons that Chaeyoung still cannot identify.

"Jimin told me to tell you he'll take you out for lunch today."

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