Chapter 22

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If there's one thing Jimin could say he was effortlessly good at, it would be flirting. 

He just never gets it wrong. It was ingrained in his genes that it becomes his reflex in interacting with people. As one of the articles published by A-High gossips would say, he was a natural charmer. He could look at a girl and have her wanting to jump in bed with him. He could flash a smile and have everyone falling in line for him. He could kiss a chick and have him begging on her knees for more. 

For all of his life, he was thankful for being born with undeniable charm and flirting abilities. 

But today was the day he actually hated it. 

He hated he doesn't have a switch to turn off his flirtiness. He hated his instinct to look at every situation as flirt-worthy. He hated having to suddenly blurt out to Chaeyoung, 700ft above the sea, to tell him if she was falling. 

Because her answer kept him staying on the terrace, isolated to the fun happening on the ground floor of the Manoban's rest house, for goodness knows how long already as he had to decode whatever "I will, Jimin. I will." means.  

Jimin knows what exactly he was doing when he said that. Of course, It was meant to be about what Chaeyoung felt towards him and not about the possible risk of plummeting to death because of a stupid water activity a blind drunk birthday girl asked them to do. 

The thing was, he never expected an answer. So when he got one, A vague one, it totally got him so confused he never thought he could exhaust his brain thinking that much.  Did Chaeyoung mean she would tell him she was falling for him, or did she meant falling to the ocean? Jimin doesn't have a single clue how to answer that, and it frustrated the hell out of him cause he literally shot himself in the foot with that stupid double-meaning question. 

He was about to light another stick of cigarette when the door suddenly opened. 

Jimin was caught off guard to see that it was Taehyung, and it was evident from Taehyung's face that he was just as panicked.  

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