Chapter 21

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"Bambam, Manager-nim has been calling you for five minutes now," Hyunsoo said after unplugging the buds inserted on his ears.

He could only respond with a groan since, technically, wearing earphones at work is prohibited. But what can he do? Washing the dishes is a hundred times better when there's music. 

"What does he need me for?" Bambam asked while drying his hands with a towel. 

"That pretty girl with short black hair from Chaeyoung's school is here and is talking to Manager-nim, and I heard your name being mentioned, so I guess it has something to do with her," Hyunsoo said before walking out of the kitchen. 

Bambam's brow knitted at Hyunsoo's response. It was definitely Lisa she's talking about. He just can't comprehend the reason behind her coming to the café and talking to the manager about him, in particular. 

He and Lisa are not really close, as far as he's concerned. The only time they got to talk to each other longer than two sentences and aside from a sloppy pick-up line was when she ran her over with her Porsche and brought her home for a first-aid.

He did give him his number, which he's not going to lie had his hopes high. But when he texted her a couple of times, she didn't reply at all. Not even a dot. So it got him thinking maybe she purposely gave her the wrong number or to say things simpler; she's uninterested, which might have hurt Bambam's pride a little (okay, a lot). 

In conclusion, it's questionable why Lisa would appear out of nowhere after she technically ghosted him. 

Nevertheless, Bambam isn't going to make a pretty lady wait for him. He immediately removed his apron and hair net before checking his reflection on the glass window, ensuring that every strand of his hair is in its perfect place. 

"Waddup, Manager-nim?" He said as soon as he went out of the kitchen and walked straight to the table where the manager sat, along with ... 

"Hi Bambam!" Lisa said, smiling at him as if she didn't just go MIA on him. 

"Hello, Lisa-ssi," Bambam replied, flashing his ever-charming smile that no girl had ever resisted (except Chaeyoung, but Bambam insist not to count her). 

"Bambam, you are dismissed for today." The manager said, causing Bambam's eyes to widen. 

"W-what? Why?" Bambam asked. 

Not that he doesn't want to be dismissed earlier than the end of his shift. It's just that contrary to popular belief, he has a conscience, and it's going to curse the hell out of him if he leaves Hyunsoo alone on dinner service. 

"Lisa has an urgent matter to discuss with you." The manager said as if it was a very usual thing in the café for someone rich to barge in and pull out one of the employees to discuss urgent matters, which Bambam could tell isn't actually urgent judging from how relaxed Lisa looked. 

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