Chapter 1

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"You heard about Jungkook and Ji-a?" A girl whispered.

"You mean Yang Ji-a? Was she the niece of Daegu's governor?" The other replied.


"What about her and Jungkook?"

"I saw them at the gymnasium. They were all over each other."


"Shhhh. Somebody might hear you."

"What was it?" Tzuyu said, coming out of nowhere. The girls almost jumped out of surprise. Just when they realized it was Chou Tzuyu, they automatically felt a shiver down their spine.

"N-nothing," The other girl said, crossing her fingers in hopes that Tzuyu would accept her alibi. But it looks like there's a no-go for her as Tzuyu's left brow raised staring at her with an unimpressed look written all over her face. 

"I'm not in the mood to play games, really. Tell me. What was it?" Tzuyu said, inspecting her nails as she spoke. The whole cafeteria went silent as everyone started to notice the confrontation.

The two girls bowed their heads as they try to control their bodies from shivering. This is exactly what happens when Tzuyu or one of the Elite Circle members confronts a student below their class. They cower in fear, praying to all the gods there is to let them get away from the situation. 

Two minutes of not getting any answers ticked Tzuyu off. She grabbed the ID of the girl nearer to her.

"Lee Ha-Eun. Are you the daughter of Mr. Lee Hyun Woo? Chairman of the Lee Group of Companies? I heard investors are pulling out of your company after your father was caught sexually trafficking poor teenage immigrants." Tzuyu calmly said, as if she didn't just drop something that would potentially destroy someone's life.

The crowd chattered at the news she just announced, as Ha-Eun looked at Tzuyu with her eyes wide open. It was very private information. Not even the nosy media knows about it. How Tzuyu managed to get such information was enough display of power.

"I may know more than that." Tzuyu sweetly smiled, which oddly complemented the glint in her eyes.

"Tzuyu, please ... Don't--"

"What were you talking about?" Tzuyu snarled, breaking away from her calm façade. All her efforts to peacefully extract the information from the girls proved futile and she had grown tired of it. So instead of being tempered, she tried a more ruthless and aggressive approach. The girls flinched at her tone, knowing so well that they have nowhere to go but to do as they were told. 

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