Chapter 8

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Author's Note: 

Hi! I'm back! Just wanna say Thank you all for 1.5k reads on this book! Also, LTIL reached 10.1k. Julie, liajade_56 my babygirl would probably scold me for saying this again, but I still definitely think I am undeserving of this all!!!!!!! You guys are insaneeee!!!! 

Your comments are so entertaining to read in the last chapter. I thank you all for really commenting on my work. I nearly cried laughing. Shout out to taetatas and lunnetteaz, you guys are so funny istg. 

I hope you enjoy this! Love y'all!


Before Chaeyoung resorted to homeschool, she spent almost all her life transferring from one regular school to another, so long as her scholarship could afford it. In all her years of education, she had witnessed many activities, officially organized by schools, that are so extravagant, she would always wonder how much of the student's miscellaneous fee is spent for it.

She remembered being in a Catholic School once, the administration rented a truck and designed it with thousands of roses to celebrate the Virgin Mary's Birthday. It was a sight to behold, although they had to join a long-ass parade that made her feet hurt for a week. In another school, during their foundation day, she remembered staying late to watch the fireworks display that lasted up to 30 minutes. The school reportedly spent 500 dollars for that. At another school she attended, she remembers the principal renting a robot to welcome the students during the first day.

But none of those are as extravagant as what she's currently seeing today as A-High welcomes the Newly-crowned Asian Pacific Algebra Olympiad Champion, Kim Taehyung.

Yes, he managed to bag yet again another Academic championship not just for the University but for the whole of Korea.

From outside of the gate, Banners of Taehyung were hanged to congratulate him on his win. Chaeyoung cannot even count with her fingers how many banners were there. As soon as you enter the University, it looked like the son of the President's wedding with all the flowers designed from the gate to the pathway leading to the field.

Different clubs had their gimmicks to congratulate Taehyung, A-High's Marching band brought out their biggest drums and trumpets to play the liveliest beat they could muster. Chaeyoung saw Tzuyu leading the twirlers. The girl was a pain in the ass but is undeniably an impressive and charming dancer.

The Dance Club was doing a flash mob. She saw Lisa, Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook dancing with a Kim Taehyung t-shirt on, which is, of course, sponsored by the Designers Club. Chaeyoung ran across a very busy Kim Jennie at the entrance, carrying loads of the same t-shirt and other accessories that had Taehyung's face in it: hairbands, bracelets, etc. Jennie insisted on giving her a Taehyung shirt, which she refused to wear.

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