Chapter 19

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The day Jungkook moved into her building was the same day Chaeyoung concluded things would never work out for the both of them. 

The man has no regard for her solitude. 

When Chaeyoung shut her door, finding out he's going to be her roommate, she decided to sleep in hopes that she'd wake up and be told that it was all a dream. Unfortunately, Jungkook had a plan and that includes proving to Chaeyoung that none of it was a dream. 

He bombarded Chaeyoung with knocks on her door every ten minutes of that morning. The first series of knocks, she managed to ignore. But the next ones made her want to rip her hair out of her head that she had to scream at his face and bang the door so loud, it would have been heard from the ground floor. 

Just when she thought Jungkook had learned his lessons because he went silent for a while, he played rock music in his room in full volume. With only a piece of plywood separating their rooms, there's no way she could sleep with Jungkook's speakers on. 

"Jungkook, I swear to god! Turn that fucking thing off! I am trying to get some sleep," Chaeyoung screamed from her room after she knocked on the wall so hard in an attempt to call her roommates attention. 

"What?" Jungkook asked from his room. 

Chaeyoung moved closer to the wall. Not before she shivered in anger and prayed to the gods there is to give her enough patience not to kill someone. 

"Turn your fucking speakers off!" She screamed. 

Thankfully, Jungkook got that, and it only took him a minute to do as he was told. 

Chaeyoung sighed deeply before laying back on her bed. 

Should she just move? Cause she's pretty sure she can't get any good rest with Jungkook being in the same dorm as her. If it isn't Tzuyu who'd have her killed, maybe she'd do it to herself first, judging from her frustrating Jungkook is. 

But then again, she remembered, this is the most practical dorm she'd seen in the whole of Seoul. It is nowhere near luxurious as compared to those dorms near her university and she preferred it that way. She has no complaints as long as the condition is bearable for its price. 

Also, if she'd heard it right from Jungkook, he only moved there because his father kicked him out. If Jungkook's father decides it's enough punishment, which Chaeyoung knew would happen cause that's basically how the parent-children relationship works, he'd ask Jungkook's ass to their home once again. That means moving out isn't the best option for Chaeyoung right now.  

It has already been almost an hour since Jungkook turned off his speaker. Her eyes were about to doze off. 

But her olfactory sense tingled. 

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