Chapter 20

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Jungkook knocked at her door for god knows how long since he decided it's a good idea to be a human alarm at 7:30 on a Saturday morning. 

It's definitely not a good idea, he could tell. Not a month living with Chaeyoung, and he already knows there are two things she loathes the most: Mornings and People. Jungkook might end up being choke slammed to the ground, but what can't a hungry man not do? 

"Chaeyoung!" He screamed, knocking insistently. He's probably asking to be killed right now, but he's going to die out of hunger anyways if he doesn't knock. 

Jungkook held his breath as the doorknob twisted and the door slowly opened, revealing Chaeyoung in baby pink pajamas. She is definitely a sucker for Baby pink. There's no way someone can have that much baby pink stuff on her closet. 

And oh she have drool on the side of her face and crusts on her eyes. Jungkook could only mentally shook his head that the girl doesn't give a single care about it even when she is in front of one of the most handsome man on the University. 

Before Jungkook could explore more about Chaeyoung's obsession with colors that extremely contrasts her personality and the fact that she gives 0 fucks about her appearance, Chaeyoung hit him with a pillow on the head. 

"Ouch! What was that for!?" Jungkook asked, massaging the side of his head. 

"You knocked on my door at 7 fucking am every day since you've been here just to ask me to cook you breakfast or go out with you when I could have gotten good sleep, and you're asking me what was that for!? Are you dumb!?" Chaeyoung said all of that in one breath. 

"Chill. I was just checking if you're still alive." Jungkook said. 

"I am!" Chaeyoung screamed. "Now go!" She added, shooing Jungkook away, but the man did not budge. 

"I also came here to --"

"Urgh. No. I've cooked for you more than I ever cooked for myself. I am not your fucking maid."

"But I already brought the ingredients! I came to the nearest convenience store at 5 am just to get these." Jungkook reasoned out, making Chaeyoung narrow her eyes at him. 

"Well, news flash, no one asked you to!" Chaeyoung said and was about to slam her door, but Jungkook stopped her from doing so. 

Jungkook had lost count of how many times he'd been in the situation. Since he moved to Chaeyoung's dorm, he'd constantly been bugging her for food. Surprisingly, it would always end up good for him even when he had to endure Chaeyoung's high pitch scream and violent tendencies. She would always end up agreeing with him, and Jungkook could tell it has something to do with the fact that it involves food. Jungkook actually found something Chaeyoung loves, and it's food. 

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