Chapter 27

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Author's Note: 

This is not proofread. Please do not bash, haha. Enjoy y'all!


Lisa has been calling Bambam ever since she woke up today. 

And every passing second, she is becoming frustrated over the fact that the man would not pick up her call. Bambam is not usually like this. One second into dialing his phone number, and he would already answer. 

Of course, Lisa isn't that slow-witted to not understand why the man is ignoring her. He was obviously still angry over what happened yesterday and how Lisa addressed it. Lisa can't also deny that what she did was wrong because after giving it some thought, she realized that even though she thinks it was the right thing to do to confront Bambam for talking to Hobi that way, she did it at the wrongest timing. It's just that she isn't used to Bambam being sulky. 

"This motherfucker really is testing me." She whispered as she canceled the call, extremely vexed that only ringing can be heard from the other line. 

She pressed through her phone frantically, searching for a particular person's contact number—a person who might know where Bambam is at this time of the day. 


She heard Jungkook croaked through her phone. His gruff voice tells Lisa that he just woke up. 

"Jungkook? Did you just wake up? Aren't you coming with us to the airport to surprise Chaeyoung and Taehyung?" Lisa asked. 

She was answered by a momentary silence before she heard deep sighs. 

"I'm not feeling well, Lis. Sorry." The man replied. 

"Take some medicine, kook. Do you want me to tell Jin-Oppa to go to your dorm?" Lisa asked. 

"No, no. I can handle." Jungkook answered. "Why did you call, anyway?" He asked. 

It was Lisa's turn to answer him with silence. 

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