34. You need me?

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Y/n: why do you never answer me properly?! *storms out of the car*

Hugo: I am sorry that I hurtled you, but it was for the best

Authors point of view:
Y/n didn’t understand why Hugo wouldn’t tell her anything related to her. Ever since she was a child Hugo never told her anything related to her.

There is this dark truth nobody knew about. They been keeping this away from Y/n and dean for their own best. When the truth comes out, Y/n vision and life will change. One deep and important truth that they been keeping away from.

Y/n is already afraid that she will lose control of her own life. Knowing this truth will have advantages and disadvantages to her life and who she is.

The truth lies in the darkness and the stories her family told her might be a cover story.

Y/n gets back home, and Hugo takes the boxes inside. The second Y/n steps in, the whole house suddenly lights up. The lights get turned on and everyone walks into the entrance.

Y/n point of view:

Y/n: what happened to the light?

Mother: I don’t really know; I light up the candle

Nani: so, did I, I was walking to dean to ask what happened to the light

Dean: the fuse was broken and just as she got in it fixed itself

Y/n: is this like a funny joke? Since last time you guys told me I was the light in this house

Mother: we don’t have that kind of humor

Nani: it just shows my beloved granddaughter is the light in this house

Hugo: where do I put the boxes ma’am?

Mother: you shall ask Y/n

Y/n: my old room, just place them there don’t open anything

Hugo: as you please *bows down*

Y/n: (Then he is back to being Hugo, why did I expect something else?)

Dean: this house has been so dead that I would rather stay at work

Y/n: where is father?

Mother: my dear he is working

Nani: he is always so busy with work, doesn’t even have time to see his own daughter

Y/n: its fine Nani, I have the rest of you guys here

Dean: YES! I been waiting for us to talk

Mother: do you want something to eat?

Y/n: no Hugo bought me food while I was working *the phone rings*
Y/n: (oh shit it’s Taeyong) I have to pick this up

The phone call-

Taeyong: Y/n?

Y/n: yes Taeyong?

Taeyong: I know this is very bad, but I am outside your place

Y/n: the place beside the office? (he doesn’t know I moved back)

Taeyong: you don’t have any other place

Y/n: I am not home at this point and why didn’t you call me before!?

Taeyong: don’t yell at me, I said it’s very bad

Y/n: Taeyong why is you voice like that?

Taeyong: like what? *sniffs*

Y/n: are you crying?

Taeyong: no, I am an adult, adults doesn’t cry

Y/n: I cry every single day, are you okay?

Taeyong: I-I could really use you now, I really want you close

Y/n: (shit I haven’t packed anything)

Y/n: could you drive to the Flower blossom garden beside the royal palace?

Taeyong: yes, will you meet me there?

Y/n: (it’s my families garden, what do you think?) yeah, I will drive from my friend’s house and meet you there

Taeyong: call me when you get there *hangs up*

Mother: Y/n? are you done with the phone call?

Y/n: yes, I am do you need me to do something?

Mother: I wondered if you could help me cook for today?

Y/n: doesn’t the maid—--sure I will help

I walk downstairs with mom and mom was talking about what kind of food we should make today, but I didn’t follow with.

My mind and thoughts where on Taeyong and nothing else could get my attention. He normally do call, and he normally walk into my place like he owns it, but today he didn’t sound like himself.

He usually would be bossy or very childish or very lovely, but today he sounded broken. Taeyong is that type of guy that only shows his strength, so what is his weakness?

I still can’t think of one time I have seen Taeyong cry, but he has seen me at my weakest because I trust him a tiny bit.

Mother: darling, did you hear what I said?

Y/n: food, dinner and what type?

Mother: are you sure you would like to help your old mother?

Y/n: you aren’t that old *smiles*

Nani: someone would like to enter the flower blossom garden and since its late they are asking for permission

Y/n: did he come this early and so fast!?

Mother: *looks at Y/n* did you invite anyone over?

Y/n: not my director asked if we could meet up because of work and he said the FB garden would be a nice place to meet at because he is just going to say some words

Mother: why don’t you invite him in for dinner?

Y/n: we haven’t made dinner and is he going to eat air?

Nani: you kids can talk outside but if I see him being there after 15 mi notes I will invite him inn for dinner and I will help your mother with dinner

Mother: Hugo! Tell them to let him enter the garden

Hugo: yes ma’am!

Y/n: *grabs her jacket and leave outside* stay inside and nobody comes out

In the entrance of the garden
Y/n: *sees the car and waves*

Taeyong: you came her fast, did you arrive before me?

Y/n: yes around 2 minutes and nothing more

Taeyong: this place is owned by some real rich people

Y/n: (those rich people are my family) yeah, I heard about them

Taeyong: *looks around* where is your car?

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