15. Family History

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Y/n: mother, you can always be true when it comes to me *takes her hand*

Mother: I was married away to your father because of my economy situation. I fell for him, yes I did after 2 years of living together.

Mother: Then I got pregnant with dean, he was a miracle for us. The doctors told me I wouldn’t be able to have kids, then my life has never achieved a happy moment.

Mother: While I had dean, my father was sick and about to die. Your father said he could create a new medicine for him, he worked on it for months and it was improved by the state, just not on my father.

Mother: My father died before he could create a medicine. *starts crying*

Y/n: mother, why didn’t you tell me this when I was younger?

Mother: which mother tells her past horrible to a kid? *wipes her tears*

Y/n: I never met grandfather, but I know he was a great man

Mother; he gave his best to everyone, but not to his family. Even know your grandmother walks all the way to his grave and prays for him to stay safe

Y/n: Nani, has always loved grandfather no matter what

Mother: Hudson

Y/n: dean?

Mother: Hudson was the name of your grandfather, the name we gave your brother. He changed it and I was against it, but he never knew the story behind

Y/n: that jerk! He-

Mother: don’t blame him for me not telling anyone. Hudson was born and my mother moved in with me.

Mother: During the pregnancy I was extremely ill, the doctor said it was a wonder that Hudson was born so healthy.

Mother: He said that if I was going to live until I see his children, I need to go on a death medicine or get pregnant again. He said that getting pregnant might kill me, because I was to weak.

Mother: Your grandmother would pray every single day to god, to tell him/her to keep me safe and your father went in a depression.

Mother: He thought he was going to lose me, started to work so much more. I never saw him at home.

Y/n: father must have felt bad…for not being able to do anything

Mother: he told your grandmother that if he got used to not see me here…that one day I will be gone, and the pain won’t be so much.. *shaking*

Y/n: did father really say that?

Mother: our whole family was in pain. Hudson spent more time outside the house and with his friends because the house was always so lonely.

Mother: Nani used to take care of me and look after Hudson all the time. She was old then, still on her toes all the time to take care of everyone in this family, she was the best mother anyone could get in my life.

Y/n: I also got a great mother!

Mother: *chuckles* I was never a great mother for any of my kids. I was about to die, three days away from death. Your father was home, he worked from home and Nani got some rest.

Mother: Hudson wasn’t allowed to be home, I didn’t want him to lose his mother as a 2 years old baby.

Mother: On the last day, I went to the hospital, with your father and the doctor said that I was pregnant with a girl.

Mother: Your father smiled so bright, he looked happy like he wasn’t in years. he rang Nani and told her. Hudson was fast out with talking and he looked happy too.

Mother: The whole house was shining and was lighten up, because of you

Y/n: so I was the miracle while Hudson was just a wonder?

Mother: Y/n…. you both are lifesaving angels and brought this home light

Y/n: why are you sad now?

Mother:  when you became 2 years old, both your father and me where never home. I was busy with my restaurants and your father was busy with his companies.

Mother: Nani was happy to be home and look over you too. During the years you and your brother spent most time with Nani. But I never gave you kids the comfort and love a mother gives.

Mother: I was strict all the times, when it comes to food, school, love, friends, clothes and work. I didn’t want you both to end up in a situation like me…. even though I made you come to almost the same place as me.

Mother: Now I regret some life decision I made in the past

Y/n: one thing I know is that I want to live my life without any regrets

Mother: do you regret moving out?

Y/n: if I was the light in home, then I feel bad that I moved out.

Y/n: Even though moving out made me take responsibility’s I would never carry on if I was here

Nani: *from downstairs* they are coming!!

Mother: make your father proud *smiles*

Y/n: what about you?

Mother: I am always proud of you *finish the makeup*

Dean: Y/n, get down here!!

Y/n: yes brother

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