37. Hug me ll

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Taeyong left and it felt like the person who covered me with a hug walked away.

went straight out of my life without hesitation because he was unsure when it comes to how I can hurt him again.

Authors point of view:
Mother: did your friend leave? Why didn’t you show manners and follow him?

Y/n: (she wouldn’t understand even if I told her) he has his own car

Hugo: Y/n? Your packages are still not packed out

Mother: Your friend should have brought some food with him home

Y/n: I will pack them out soon Hugo and mother he has food *walks away*

Hugo: (should I garb her arm right here and now?)

Hugo: ma’am may I go after Y/n and help her pack her belongings out?

Mother: if Y/n needs your help then you may help her as you please

Hugo walk up the stairs to Y/n’s room to check up on her. Hugo might be hurt by the words Y/n said, but he took this as an opportunity to show her that he cares.

Taeyong on the other hand was devastated and didn’t give damn about Y/n anymore. He felt that she used him for attention, he thought Y/n in fact liked him, his ugly and pretty side. Y/n felt awful after Taeyong left, because she never hurt someone she loved, or she thought so.

Hugo: *knocks on the door*

Y/n: Mother, Nani or dean I could use some alone time

Hugo: I will come in since you didn’t include my name

Y/n: I thought you wouldn’t talk to me so I didn’t think you would come and check on me *opens her boxes*

Hugo: Do you believe that I changed? Changed to someone better?

Y/n: you were never bad, just I wish you showed how much you cared for me

Y/n: When I was “with” you I was the only one caring and making plans for us. I know you have a job to do and everything-

Hugo: you don’t need to explain, I should have taken initiative when we were “together” *sits on Y/n’s bed*

Y/n: its hurt….to see you even if it might not look like that *takes things out*

Hugo: how does it hurt to see me?

Y/n: it reminds me about the past, the memories and how happy I was when I was younger

Y/n: So wilde, so free, so lost *looks right into Hugo’s eyes*

Hugo: does it hurt more to see me or see Taeyong leave? *sits beside Y/n’s*

Y/n: how could I answer that? There is no lie if I say it brings the same amount of pain you brought me.

Y/n: I liked you and I lost you, I started something that I couldn’t end with Taeyong. In my eyes this is the same state just different guy and different Y/n

Hugo: *pulls Y/n into a hug* you will hate me for hugging you, but it feels like you need a hug. So I won’t repeat my errors, especially because they hurt you

There it really hit me. He has cared all the time, but said nothing. I do not know why he was so messy and naughty before, but I see a change I would not see.

I did not want to see him change NOW because now there are too many in my life  and I will be able to handle everyone on my own. But it felt good to be close to him and to be in his strong arms.

he was caring and lovely like a mother, he filled at this moment her place. I could hear his heart beating and even in the dead silence I wanted him not to say anything.

I do not want to bring anyone else in, but that's what I said to Taeyong. 1000 words never have as much effect as a hug. I just wanted to scream out hug me and never let go.

Hugo: was this hug good enough?

Y/n: Mhm…. *sounds sleepy*

Hugo: oh, you fell asleep? How?

Y/n: *hugs Hugo tighter*

Hugo: lets place you in bed, I will pack out your things

Y/n: *in bed* aah don’t leave me Hugo *sleep talking*

Hugo: *holds Y/n’s hand* I promise I won’t this time *kissed her forehead*

-Time skip-

Authors point of view:

Hugo did not leave Y / n that night once. the words she had said in her sleep made him understand more about how she had felt in the past. he did not lie in bed with her, he wanted to show his respect and slept on the floor with a blanket and a pillow.

Y/ n did not let go of Hugo's hand so while he slept, he held it. the times before where they had intercourse, Y / n used to run around one at night until Hugo's room was allowed to sleep next to him. though Hugo turned away from her, she walked closer to him and lay close to him.

It was early mooring the next day. Y/n forgot to turn on her alarm, Hugo was still asleep, none of them was awake. No one in their family even checked up on them. Around 12 PM the maid comes in knocking on Y/n’s room door, that’s when Hugo wakes up and their hands are still holding.

Y/n gradually wakes up because Hugo drags her arm as he is about to look after his phone. Y/n is half awake and asks the maid what time it is. She doesn’t notice that she is holding Hugo and didn’t even remember that Hugo was here. The maid looks confused but answers Y/n.

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