49. Stop fighting

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Hugo: Did you sign the papers?

Y/n: Yes i-

Before Y/n could reply to Hugo’s questions she sees someone running towards her. Her eyes widen and her face was frozen. She didn’t know how to react and it’s in front of Hugo too. He came running and looked stressed out.

He was looking everywhere and his chest was pumping up and down. He saw me, the moment our eyes meet. This warm breeze where running inside of me. He rapped his masculine arms around my upper body. He placed my head on his chest and pulled me closer.

I could feel his warm and foggy breath on my skin. His soft grip around me, because he knows I am hurt. His tears were dropping down on me. This hug, is the one hug I been missing. 

Hugo: Y/n, I will sign the last paperwork *leaves*

Y/n: How did you know?

Taeyong: Your Brother Called mister park to inform him about work and then when I asked why you didn’t attend work, they said-

Y/n: Why did you come?

Taeyong: I know how hurtful it is to lose someone, even if you lied I am here for you

Y/n: why would you be here at all?

Taeyong: because I-I *wipes of Y/n’s tears*

Y/n: *pulls out of the hug* because what? You wanted to see me cry more because you are getting married to someone

Taeyong: I came here, because I know you need me

Y/n: No, I don’t need you! Stop assuming things!

Taeyong: you need me, but you won’t admit it because I told you I was getting married

Y/n: then leave!! Then leave to that new woman of yours!!

Jaehyun: Y/n, I can hear you all the way down

Taeyong: I should have gotten married a long time ago *walks away*
Y/n: *cries*

Jaehyun: Y/n? are you okay?

Y/n: he told me…...t-that he w-was getting-

Jaehyun: married at the same time your Nani passed away

Y/n: why does all this happen to me! Jungwoo also confessed today

Jaehyun: a lot of love and a lot of loss
Y/n: why Jaehyun? *hugs Jaehyun*

Jaehyun: *hugs Y/n back* look things happen for a reason, but I am here for you

Jaehyun held Y/n for a while, for so long that she fell asleep in his arms. He had to attend work two hours ago but called sick, because he didn’t want to wake up Y/n.

He just glanced at his unique view, that’s been feeling a lot of pain lately. He wiped of her tears and placed his jacket over her as she still was asleep.

Hugo filled every report and called Dean to tell everything was alright. Her mother was asleep, she cried herself to sleep. The though of her mother made her cry more and more.

Nobody knew this would happen, when they all saw Nani before they left to work. Hugo came back looking for Y/n, he saw that’s he was sleeping and didn’t act cold against Jaehyun.

Hugo: when did she sleep?

Jaehyun: I think an hour ago

Hugo: don’t you have work?

Jaehyun: I called sick, I didn’t want to wake her up

Hugo: I am taking her home, do you have a car?

Jaehyun: yes *lifts slowly Y/n up*

Hugo: thanks for looking after her *lifts Y/n up and carries her to the car*

Jaehyun: Y/n, can’t you see who you need? *sighs*

After this day Y/n never felt the same. She lost someone she stood close, even if she left Nani for a while. No matter what she does, she can’t bring back the years where she was gone.

She didn’t eat for days, didn’t attend work and neither did she speak much. Y/n who light up the house, was now the one keeping silence. Hugo took care of Y/n, but he had his duties to finish and couldn’t spend all the time with her.

Dean would come once in a while looking after their mother and Y/n. Y/n was extremely mad at their father for not coming once to look after her mother. In her head she disgusted him and hated him for each day he didn’t come.

He left the whole family alone for work. Nani’s funeral was today, and Y/n didn’t feel for coming out of her room. She cried herself every single night and was laying in bed without moving. She has entered the depressed zone.

She lost Nani, she lost Taeyong and she was scared that she might lose everyone.

Hugo: Y/n, here is your black dress

Y/n: *still in bed*

Hugo: *sits on the bed* I know its been a hard time for you and I see that you are hurt. But the world is more depressed because you have locked yourself in this room

Y/n: *sniffs*

Hugo: crying, being sad or getting depressed is part of life, or might be. Today I know Nani would be happy if you came. Even if she didn’t say bye, you can *gets out of the room*

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