36. Mistake & lies

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Y/n: I will explain, just get in before they start yelling over again

Taeyong: *walks into the royal place behind Y/n*

things went so well, he started to show his soft side to me just in case my family who thinks they help ruined everything.

he just said that I am one of the three people who have seen him cry and now I feel guilty. it's dirty and makes me feel like shit for lying to him for so long.

it has been a long time and we were going to get to know each other but I have lied from the very beginning.

it is nerve tormented to enter the house with Taeyong behind me and the family waiting for us in the house.

Dean: Y/n, do you need help packing out your things? *doesn’t see Taeyong*

Nani: she is about to eat with her friend

Dean: *looks up and sees Taeyong* Oh where are my manners

Dean: *bows and shakes hands with Taeyong* I am dean, Y/n’s older brother

Taeyong: nice to meet you, I am Lee Taeyong *hesitates* Y/n’s? *looks Y/n*

Y/n: he is my director at my workplace, and he is also my friend

Dean: the one you said didn’t know any- oh shit

Mother: no cursing Dean! Come and eat

Taeyong: so, everyone knew I didn’t know anything, keeping a secret must be your talent *whispers into my ear and fakes a smile*

Y/n: I swear I will try to explain everything after this dinner. I never-

Taeyong: never planned on saying this to me *takes a seat beside Dean*

I had never planned for Taeyong to find out about my family in this way. He was sad two seconds ago and now he is sitting here like nothing happened.

he smiles and greets most of the family. Mom and grandma seem to like him, it may be because they are trying to be kind.

I can feel Hugo staring from behind, it gave me goosebumps when I looked straight behind and we made eye contact.

I do not think Hugo liked Taeyong coming in and sitting here with the whole family, but I did not care because now I was done with Hugo.

we sat and ate in the good while. Taeyong did not wriggle angry nor sad, but more happy.

he seemed to enjoy himself very much, it may be because his family does not have much time for each other.

Hugo went into his room a while ago, but Dean asked if he would eat with us, but he said no and said he had to pick up some phones.

we were done eating and got up right in it says mom "Hope we see more of you" and grandma smiles with her baby smile towards Taeyong.

Taeyong bends down and says thank you for the food and that it was good. He was on his way out and I followed him.

Y/n: I am sorry that you had to find-

Taeyong: why did you lie to me all this time?

Y/n: I thought that if you knew where I was from you would take distance from me and treat me different because of my family

Taeyong: that is not a good reason to lie and why would you think that?

Y/n: you treat Chase different than the rest because he comes from a rich family-

Taeyong: don’t assume things, I treat everyone the same but maybe I treat Chase better and that is because he is an orphan who did everything in his life by himself.

Taeyong: People like him deserve support and love, at a young age he was achieved so much!

Y/n: I was scared to lose you

Taeyong: you didn’t  need to be scared if you were honest from the start

Y/n: I made a mistake *about to cry
Taeyong: maybe I made a mistake when it comes to us, I would like some distance from you and if there is something about work then contact Ms. Han

Y/n: *hugs Taeyong from the back* don’t leave me Taeyong

Taeyong: is director Lee *moves Y/n’s arms and walks out*

I felt my heart collapse. nothing had any major reaction before he said I should call him director Lee and not Taeyong anymore. It was all because I wanted to keep things hidden, I never learned from my mistakes.

he means a lot, but I was slow as a snail because the willpower in me had left me. I was dead like a thorn in my side and as sorry as the time Hugo would not show me his feelings.

Taeyong has every right to be angry with me because he said everything and showed his vulnerable side as can sister area and grandma got to see, and I did not say who my family was once because I thought he would treat me differently than before. it's quite clear that I did not think with my brain.

he was so close, but now he's a thousand miles away from me. I was tired of lying, these lies must end here before I lose other people who are part of my life.

Taeyong left and it felt like the person who covered me with a hug walked away. went straight out of my life without hesitation because he was unsure when it comes to how I can hurt him again.

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