20. Farewell for now

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my hand clings to his chest which was hard because of the muscles. with a light push the kiss stops and he looks at me as if he missed me.

Hugo: even this perfect kiss, was because I wanted too *stands up*

Y/n; why did you want to kiss me after so long?

Jungwoo: Y/n? sorry to interrupt

Y/n: tell me what it is Jungwoo?

Jungwoo: I wanted to say bye for now, since we are leaving and here you go

Hugo: sir, is this to me?

Jungwoo: don’t call me sir, just say Jungwoo an yes it for you from Y/n’s mom

Hugo: thanks sir, I mean Jungwoo

Y/n: I will follow you out Jungwoo *leaves Hugo’s room*

Jungwoo: it was really great meeting you and we should see each other soon

Y/n: how about this week Friday?

Jungwoo: oh…I will be free then, should we hang out the whole day?

Y/n: yes sure, we need to get to know each other *smiles*

Jungwoo: *blushes* ehm…then see you on Friday

Y/n: bye Jungwoo! See you on Friday! *smiles*

Mom: did they leave?

Y/n: yes, he is such a baby and so cute when he blushes

Mom: very pretty to, maybe prettier than you *laughs*

Dean: I need to agree with mom on this one

Nani: we all have beauty, my granddaughter is shining *winks to me*

Mom: Hugo did you get your food?

Hugo: yes miss *bows*

Mom: what did I say you could call me, no need for miss

Dean: its good seeing the family together *group hug*

Y/n: *looks at Hugo* Mom, Hugo won’t join the hug

Dean: *drags Hugo* come here bro!

Hugo: *looks at Y/n* (Maybe I want you back since you always included me even if I didn’t want you to)

Mom: if your father only was here.

Y/n: I need to get back home for now

Nani: why don’t you stay here for some days?

Y/n: (this is what I wanted to avoid)

Y/n: Nani, its far away from my workplace

Dean: Y/n, everyone here needs you and Hugo can drive you

Y/n: he is a bodyguard not a driver and I have the license

Dean: even if you the driver’s license you still take the buss

Y/n: *hits dean* because I am out of the rich life, I live on my own money

Nani: but are you out from your family life

Mother: it would mean the world to me if you stayed here for some days

Y/n: I don’t have my things here and I need to inform my work

Mother: you can get your things tomorrow and Hugo will help you

Y/n: can I sleep in my place just for today? *looks sad*

Dean: yeah! Hugo will drive you back

Y/n: for the hundred time he isn’t my driver!!

Nani: you used to tell us when you were younger that you only wanted Hugo to be around you even if it’s just a small trip to a village

Y/n: *looks exposed* I was young then now I am an adult

Hugo: *chuckles* I will drive Y/n home now *gets out*

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