6. Police officers

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I don’t even remember his name, why am I lying…its Taeyong. The world is very small, If I made it to see him. What more will happen.

On my way home from work:
Y/n: why didn’t I bring my car…..?
?????: hey honey
Y/n; excuse me? Do I know you?
?????: we can get to know each other
Y/n: (that guy stinks alcohol)
Y/n: sorry, i-I am not interested
?????: did I say you have a choice *grabs my arm*
Y/n: (it hurts, his grip) LET GO!
???: why should I? a snack like you should be eaten *comes closer*
Y/n: *pushes him away and runs* aah!! Help!!
Guy: *pulls me behind him* are you okay?
Y/n: this guy—he was like- *catching for breath* he tried-
Guy: its okay now, since he ran away when he saw me
Y/n: thank you, name?
Jaehyun POV:
Jaehyun: I am Jung Jaehyun, a police officer

Y/n: sorry to bother you at late night, but we need to get that dude, or he will do something bad to someone else

Jaehyun: I already called for back-up and they got him (I have never seen a so caring person, she has a great heart)

Y/n: that’s very good, now people are safe. Don’t beat him up

Jaehyun: why not? He tried to r-

Y/n: he is a human and humans make mistakes. Some mistakes are worst than other but that doesn’t mean he deserves so much pain *smiles*

Jaehyun: *smiles* well his mistakes are illigeal

Y/n: the law was made to help the people, what if the people forgive?

Jaehyun: (she really knows what she is talking about) name?

Y/n: Y/n, is my name

Jaehyun: pretty name and a pretty face. What a combination

Y/n: thanks *blushes* for the compliment and help

Jaehyun: do you want me to follow you back home?

Y/n: its okay, my house is over there *points*

Jaehyun: that’s a cute apartment

Y/n: perfect size for one person

Jaehyun: you live alone?

Y/n: yeah, my parents live longer inside the city while I needed a tiny bit space

Jaehyun: form them or the city? *chuckled*

Y/n: I would never ask for space away from my parents, I meant the noise in the city and the neighborhood is very clam and nice

Jaehyun: your look, face and the way you talk give me that clam but sweet vibe

Y/n: *laughs* the perfect vibe for me

Jaehyun: (why didn’t I see a person like her before?)

Jaehyun: well I need to get back to work and you should probably head back home

Y/n: thanks, work hard *smiles and walks away*

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