44. Confession

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Nani opens the door and screams my name.

Nani: Y/n!!!! This one is for you

Y/n: Don't scream, its not good for you

Nani: I know darling *sits down*

Y/n: Oh Jaehyun, what are you doing here?

Jaehyun: I need five minutes and sorry for coming without telling you

Y/n: oh no its fine, come in

Jaehyun: Nice skirt, it fits your green hoodie *laughs*

Y/n: Very funny Mate! I was changing until my Nani Called on me

Jaehyun: I know you have work so u will make this fast

Y/n: I have two hours left, but need to get dressed

Jaehyun: I like you Y/n

Y/n: I also like you Jaehyun

Jaehyun: I mean as in Lover

Y/n: Oh Jaehyun, you know my situation. Taeyong, jungwoo, Hugo and you

Jaehyun: Oh I know, I just wanted to confess. Don't stress and say an answer now. Think about it *smiles*

Y/n: Thanks Mate, its just so much at once. I need time to think about everything

Jaehyun: well call me if you need anything, I will get going now *walks out smiling*

I didn't even give him an answer, why is he so happy? I don't get what people see in me. Hugo I understand and the same with Taeyong.

Jungwoo was all because of Family and Jaehyun, I never saw that coming. I feel good, being liked and getting hugs feel good. Either way I have to chose, so I hate it.

Knowing all these good people and I have to break them hurts, but form their point of view it must be worst. Knowing you will be rejected or the person you like likes someone else.

I never been there, but I felt something near. Liking someone, being with them but them not paying attention to its just like a fake relationship.

Jaehyun is the only guy that knows my life in and out, so why would he confess when he knows that I have so much going on. I respect his choice, but how did he fall for me?

I braid my hair and button up my blouse. I grab my laptop with the presentation and walk downstairs. I see Nani on the couch patting her stomach as she swallows her pills.

I been gone for so long that I forgot Nani has heart illness. Her heart can stop any time and she might leave before she gets to say goodbye.

I walk over to Nani and open my bag and place my laptop inside. She drinks up her glass of water and stands up.

Y/n: Nani, where are you going?

Nani: to get you a plate *coughs* so that you can eat

Y/n: *runs over to Nani* No Nani, you need to rest more. Ever since I came here you been walking, feeding and working at this old age of yours

Nani: I bet no one in this family would be so active as me in this age *proud*

Y/n: I would lie in bed and never leave *walks Nani back to the living room*

Nani: don't you dare to leave without eating

Y/n: *grabs a plate* see I will eat, don't stress

Nani: lately you been getting skinny, if your grandfather was here, he would say the same *looks sad*

Y/n: grandfather's voice is in my head every time someone say something he said *eats*

Nani: he really wanted the best for this family. No one knew this would happen

Y/n: don't worry Nani *hugs Nani from the back* the light is back in your life

Nani: oh dear, that must have been the best thing that happened in a while

Y/n: even if I stayed here for so many days, I still haven't seen father once

Nani: he is busy working

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