35. Bonding.

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Wh-what are you doing here?!" Esclave spluttered as he was awoken from one of his many naps at general Denlleonis' side by an irritated-looking general Arrogari.

"Checking in on you," the brunette snapped passive-aggressively. This was not the first time in the past several days that Vanbinicci had caught Esclave sleeping right beside the general since she had fallen ill, and it was really starting to get on his nerves. "And you are clearly too tired to help general Denlleonis with her meal today, but don't worry I'll pick up the slack." He forced a smile onto his face.

"NO WAIT-" Esclave trying to explain as he scrambled away.

"-Why don't you go take a nap somewhere else?" Vanbinicci interrupted him as he grabbed him by the collar of his tunic and hoisted him up and tossed him out of the tent, not bothering to be gentle.

"Ha..." He turned to see the source of the laugh and saw that general Denlleonis was awake and sitting up on her own. "I would have thrown him out like that if I could... He can be so weird..." She added, her voice still weak and croaky.

"Are you feeling better yet?" Vanbinicci asked as he hurried to sit next to her. Not wanting to sound like he was too invested he quickly added, "I mean, the rest of us generals have been running around non-stop trying to help your recovery. It would be insulting if you were still sick."

"I'm afraid I am..." Y/N scoffed, but her words held a trace of amusement. She seemed to be more alert than she had been before, but she was still clearly sick. "But I have improved... I think..."

"Here, eat this then!" Vanbinicci said, thrusting a wooden bowl filled with broth at her roughly. "Maybe it will be able to help heal even someone as frail as you."

"Did you seriously just call me frail?" Y/N growled angrily, glaring at the brunette. "Remember that it was me who saved your ass from getting shot full of arrows and dying, and I nursed you back to health to boot - so who's the frail one?" She smirked up at him.

"I know what you did for me!" He exclaimed, embarrassed that she kept bringing it up. "I-I'm just trying to return the favor, so just shut up and eat the broth."

Y/N complied and lifted the bowl to her lips and drank deeply from it. "You call this a bone broth?" She said condescendingly. "It's so mild I could feed it to an infant; it's not warriors broth."

"Well, I'm sorry that my soup-making skills are not up to your standards," Vanbinicci snapped, his cheeks flushing. "if it's so bad you don't have to eat it." He grumbled, sulking because she insulted the soup that he made especially for her.

"I guess as far as watery Luccian broths go it isn't the worst," Y/N added after a minute as she took another gulp of the soup.

"A simple thank you would be nice," Vanbinicci muttered, crossing his arms and turning away. Sometimes he wondered why he even was trying to be kind to general Denlleonis, it's not like she appreciated it or was going to start treating him kindly.

Y/N let out a dismissive scoff at his words. He was so arrogant that even she found it to be irritating at times. "Yeah, like I'll thank you for some weak soup when you have yet to thank me for saving your life."

"As if I'd ever thank a stubborn woman like you," Vanbinicci shot back, crossing his arms as his ears turned a light pink.

Y/N growled and hurled the empty bowl at him, clobbering him on the back of the head. He yelped and clutched at the back of his head in pain, and Y/N smirked, feeling smug. "If I wasn't bedridden I'd beat some gratitude out of you." She threatened.

Vanbinicci massaged the growing lump on the back of his head and brooded, no one had ever been so ungrateful for his help, but with a sigh, he reminded himself that it was just her way of being. "I'm sorry, this whole argument is so childish - you should rest, don't waste your energy arguing with an idiot like me." He turned back to face her and gave her a genuine smile, not like the one that he had flashed at Esclave earlier.

"Alright," Y/N reluctantly agreed as she sank back down on her cot. She closed her eyes, but before she could fall asleep as said begrudgingly, "And... Thanks for the soup..."

The brunette smiled wider at her words, he opened his mouth to tease her, but he stopped himself once he realized that she had already fallen asleep. He watched her sleeping form in wonder. When she wasn't conscious she seemed so peaceful and so gentle. His heartbeat quickened in his chest as he watched her sleeping, his body filling with a foreign emotion very different from the desires that he normally felt which never spanned beyond a physical level.

She's just as stubborn as before, and arrogant too, he thought with a chuckle, reminding himself that her current peaceful appearance was a complete illusion. Yet for some reason, I don't mind it anymore.

His green eyes filled with warmth as he watched her, unable to look away. He knew that she was brutal and heartless, but as he continued to look at her as she slept he only saw her wounded and scared inner child who he had vowed to have.

Heart pounding in his ears he leaned closer to her, unsure of what he was doing and unable to stop. His eyes locked on her lips and he leaned closer to her. The unknown feeling bubbled in his stomach, but there was something oddly pleasant about it.

"Ah, so this is the snake that has caused you to waver." A deep voice suddenly said behind him accompanied by the heavy thud of sturdy boots.

Vanbinicci shot up from where he had been sitting and whirled around in surprise. Shock and fear appeared on his tanned face as he locked eyes with the narrowed green eyes of the former general Arrogari; his father.

"Father?!" He exclaimed, his face turning ashen as fear gripped him.


I love how tsundere these two characters can be, it is hilarious. T~T

Also, we will finally get to meet Vanbinicci's father in the flesh, that's exciting.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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