24. A Reminder.

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"THIS IS A DISGRACE AND AN OUTRAGE!" General Denlleonis' voice boomed commandingly. "I AM DISGUSTED!"

General Arrogari jumped from the chair in which he had been contentedly reading in moments before. The sound of Y/N's yell followed by more indistinct shouts and jeers intriguing him greatly. Not having anything better to do, he decided to investigate.

Things had been relatively quiet since General Denlleonis had returned, especially when compared with Meccio's tyranny. And Vanbinicci was being to think that she was going easier on the army, but he was about to be proven wrong. General Denlleonis was just as brutal as ever.

Arriving in the clearing in the army camp, the brunette was surprised to see that in front of the platform that general Denlleonis used to address the army was a tall pole that Esclave was currently laboring to pound into the ground which was proving to be quite difficult as it was taller than him.

Standing several paces away from him was the Esedict General. She was holding a soldier by the collar of his tunic who was very clearly drunk and she looked absolutely irate.

"How dare you conducted yourself so shamefully?!" She snarled as she held him in the air and shook him as though he was vermin. "Have I not made it clear countless times that drinking for pleasure is not acceptable in my army?!"

"Yer-yer not the boss of me," The soldier slurred, his hair disheveled from the vigorous shaking. "Pissss off."

"I am tempted to kill you right now for your disrespect," Y/N growled as she pulled the man's face closer to her's. "But I have something much better, much more painful in mind - Are you finished yet Esclave?!" She called over her shoulder impatiently.

"Y-yes General Denlleonis," Esclave stopped his attempts to stake the pole into the ground to salute her. Taking pity on him Baccoso stepped forward and using his bear-like strength pounded the wooden shaft into the ground with ease. Esclave was disgruntled that Baccoso had done his job for him, but let it slide.

"Excellent!" General Denlleonis cried, and as Vanbinicci continued to observe her he was surprised to see an almost child-like grin appear on her stony face. "GATHER 'ROUND, GATHER 'ROUND THE SHOW IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!" She declared to the gathered soldiery who began to mutter in anticipation.

Vanbinicci watched with a sinking feeling in his stomach as she dragged the man roughly to the pole that had been surrounded by dry grass and small twigs at the bottom. He wasn't sure what she was planning, but he knew that it was not going to be good.

She tossed the soldier against the pole and began to work on binding him to it with lengths of rope that looked oddly wet, although his slouching posture prevented her from being able to tie him snuggly to the pole.

"How are you enjoying the consequences of your vile indulgence?" Y/N asked the soldier with a leer as she finished tying the last knot "Any regrets yet?"

"Nooope~" he slurred in response, clearly still intoxicated.

"Oh don't worry," Y/N said as she let out a dark chuckle that caused a wave of unease to grate down Vanbinicci's spine as he heard it. "You will be - fetch me the rest of the ale that this cad was indulging in!"

Moments later General Arrogari was surprised to see Meccio come running over to Y/N clutching several bottles of ale in his arms. A visible shudder passed through the army at his approach, the memory of the kind of beast that slumbered within him was still fresh in their minds.

"What-what are you doing?" The soldier said, a twinge of fear entering his drunken voice as General Denlleonis took the offered bottles from Meccio and began to dampen the piles of dried grass around him with it.

No... No, she can't be planning to- Vanbinicci's green eyes widened in horror as he suddenly understood what her goal was.

"I'm making an example of you," she answered the man's question, splashing the last bit of ale on his face. "Part of me hopes that the alcohol has yet to wear off, but let's be honest, this is going to be excruciating either way - Esclave, bring me the torch."

The Subedict General hurried to fulfill Y/N's command and stepped forward carrying a brightly lit torch. Its flames flickered brightly, and as the rest of the soldiers caught sight of the flames, glowing brightly in the dying light of the evening, their whispers of excitement turned into cheers and whistles.

Y/N took the torch from Esclave and gave him a grateful nod and that she raised it high into the air, further exciting the troops. Without further warning, she plunged the torch down into the alcohol-soaked grass. More flames sprung up at once and within moments the man tied to the post was surrounded by fire.

Vanbinicci felt like he would be sick as he watched the flames leap closer and closer to the soldier as the crowd continued to cheer. He couldn't bear to watch, but he couldn't look away. The soldier's tortured screams filled the air and he thrashed wildly, trying to escape as the ropes that bond him which had been soaked in alcohol burst into flames.

The air hung heavy with the smell of alcohol and the sound of crackling fire accompanied by the burning man's wails of agony. The flames began to devour his tunic. His skin blistered and boiled from the heat.

Suddenly, general Denlleonis drew her sword and raised it high, the bright metal flashing, reflecting the light of the fire. She brought it down and severed cleanly through the charred ropes in one clean blow.

The soldier fell from the pole and landed in the mud outside the fire's reach. "AAAAAHH!" He screamed in pain as general Denlleonis dragged his burned body further away from the dancing flames by what was left of his hair.

"You're a lucky bastard, you know that," she told him in a low husky voice as she placed her boot on the red, raw, skin of his back and leaned down to better address him. "I normally let those who overindulge in alcohol burn until they're black and crispy."

Removing her boot from his back she turned to face the rest of the army who were snarling in approval like a bunch of savage beasts. "NOW LET HIM BE AN EXAMPLE TO YOU ALL!!" Y/N bellowed in the most terrifying snarl of all. "THE NEXT ONE WHO I CATCH GETTING DRUNK ON MEDICINAL ALE WILL NOT BE PULLED FROM THE FLAMES - Now someone carry this degenerate to the medics and see that his wounds are treated."


Whenever I convince myself that maybe general Denlleonis is not so bad, maybe she's changed, she does something like this. -_-

At this point, I'm not sure who's worse, General Denlleonis or the Yanderes.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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