4. A Long Way From Home.

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Meccio shivered as he walked through the darkened rows of tents. The sun had set by the time he had found a rider sober enough to carry the letter to the capital in a week's time, and the poor boy had to search for the tent housing the new general with only the misty light of the moon as his guide.

A chilly gust of night air whispered across the back of his neck, spooking him. His teeth started chattering, whether from cold or fear he wasn't sure. Meccio had always been a sensitive soul, suffering from night terrors and an overactive imagination, and his skittish personality had only been increased since he began living in the army camp.

"W-Why did I accept Vanbinicci's orders," Meccio whispered to himself, twitching his violet gaze from shadow to shadow as he walked. Every part of him was on edge as he anticipated the attack of some shadowy beast or ghoul around every corner.

Reaching the northern edge of the sea of tents, Meccio noticed a semicircle of half a dozen tents a short bit away from the others. They had been pitched on a small incline and surrounded a larger tent in the center.  The middle tent was not as large as his own or those of the other general's, but the blue banners staked into the ground left no doubt in his mind that the camp belonged to general Denlleonis and her men.

Meccio gulped with dread as he saw that all the tents were dark, except for the large one which glowed with flickering candlelight. He crept closer and could detect the murmur of voices. The general's horse was grazing by the tent, but her graey coat glistened with sweat where her saddle and harness had been, meaning that General Denlleonis had only just arrived at her tent for the night.

Meanwhile, Esclave greeted the general with a smile and a salute, as she strode into the tent, armor clanging. "I made camp while you inspected the army, I hope it's to your liking."

"We get to sleep in a tent, that in itself is a luxury," Y/N replied bluntly as she discarded her cape over the cot in the corner and plopped down in a chair. The tent was large enough for the two warriors to stand without bending over, and the floor space was enough to accommodate separate cots for both Y/N and Esclave, as well as a rack for their various armor and weapons. "you remember what it was like on the frontier; men squabbling over the comfiest rock pile to sleep on, exposed to the elements. You should know by now that I'm not one to be fussy when it comes to my quarters." Y/N chuckled as she remembered her time on the frontier.

"Yes, of course," Esclave agreed, smiling. A warm glow entered his eyes as he remembered the time they had spent together in the northwestern wilderness of Estain. The harsh conditions led to Y/N and Esclave being alone for weeks at a time before they would again encounter other people, whether they be friend or foe. The alone time he got to spend with General Denlleonis made them some of his fondest memories, even if they had slept on hard ground, exposed to the rain and snow. "How could I forget."

Worried that the conversation would grow dull, Esclave quickly changed the topic once he noticed that the steaming metal trough, generally used for watering the horses had caught Y/N's attention.  "I also took the liberty of heating the water in the trough if you want to bathe."

"Are you saying that I stink, Esclave?" Y/N asked, a smirk stretching her normally serious face.

Esclave's eyes widened in fear, not having meant to offend the general. In his haste to apologize, he completely overlooked the joking tone that had been present in her voice. "N-No, I-I only thought that you might enjoy washing the dirt from the road off, b-but it is perfectly fine if you don't w-want-"

"Stop talking before you hurt yourself Esclave," she scolded him with a laugh as she stood, and began unfastening the straps holding her breastplate on. "I was just jesting. A bath sounds wonderful."

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