23. Impudent Jealousy.

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After Y/N's return, the Luccian army camp became a place of serenity, or as serene as a military camp could be at least. Having endured weeks of Meccio's volatility, there was not a soldier in the Army who wasn't grateful for her return. As harsh and ruthless as she was, she was still just and could maintain order.

Even Vanbinicci was grateful for her return. Without her, he feared that his fellow general, and his oldest friend, Meccio would have self-destructed. He would have died rather than wound his pride by admitting any of that out loud though.

Beyond Meccio's return to his stable self in the presence of Y/N, other changes were starting to occur within the army, changes that general Arrogari was far from fond of. He could sense that over the next few days after her return that the whole army's allegiance was beginning to shift to her.

With every day that passed, fewer soldiers would acknowledge his position as a general, while more and more we're beginning to hail general Denlleonis as their rightful leader.

Vanbiniccini was filled with revulsion whenever he caught sight of Esclave and Meccio following in Y/N's wake like a pair of ducklings. After several days of observing the two general's pathetic behavior, he summoned Baccoso to devise a plan to take back control of the army, but he was only met with a disdainful grunt before the bear-like general walked away.

It didn't take him long to realize that general Denlleonis had done something to coerce Baccoso into submitting to her while they were traveling to inspect the mountain pass or whatever they had been doing in their weeks away. He was the last general left. The only one who had not been conquered by the Estainian General.

Rage bubbled deep within him as he thought of the dewy, infatuated way that Meccio and Baccoso, his trusted friends and comrades, looked at general Denlleonis. He vowed that he would never allow himself to be taken as the other generals. He would find out what her end goal was and stop her. He promised himself. He was going to save the other generals, and the army from her before it was too late.

After that, he began to try and win back the favor of the army, but despite everything he did to prevent it, the army's loyalty continued to sway towards General Denlleonis. It was not only their allegiances, but the very way of being in the army was changing to align more with Estain than with Luccia.

Most of the soldiers no longer stayed up late drinking wine and ale, but instead went to bed early and arose promptly in the morning and with greater discipline. The sound of laughter was hardly ever heard as the camp became much more somber. And Vanbinicci had even seen a few soldiers waving flags of blue and praising small, crudely carved Idols of a woman clad in armor, no doubt an effigy of the goddess Estain, who's worship General Denlleonis had brought with her.

It made Vanbinicci sick to see everything that was Luccian slowly being bled out of the army, his army. He was fed up with lingering in the Esedict General's shadow, but she excelled him in everything she did and he hated it. He hated her

One afternoon after taking his bay steed for a ride to he was feeling especially petty and bitter, having witnessed Y/N practicing her riding with far more dexterity than him. He led his horse to a nearby water trough on the edge of the camp and was surprised to see that Esclave stood by it as he watered General Denlleonis' graey mare, stroking her neck affectionately.

"A yellow little flower," Vanbinicci called out, referring to Y/N's coat of arms that was displayed proudly on a blue strip of fabric covering the horse's flank. Unable to restrain himself from continuing his insult he said, "What a dainty thing to be displayed on a family crest. Rather pathetic don't you think?"

"Not at all," Esclave replied, sounding irritated as he did his best to ignore general Arrogari, keeping his attention on the horse instead. "I would be more terrified if I saw this banner on the horizon than if I saw any other."

"Well, you are a pansy yourself so I guess that makes sense," The brunette scoffed as he allowed his horse to drink from the other end of the trough. "Still seems like a poor excuse for a crest."

"That isn't just a flower, that's the Denlleonis or the Dandelion flower," Esclave explained with surprising patience. "The very plant is synonymous with the Esedict General's family."

"Ooo, her family name is that of a pretty golden flower," Vanbinicci mocked bitterly, pretending to be trembling from head to foot as he leered and the Subedict General. "I'm shaking in my boots."

"You can mock it as you wish," Esclave said calmly as he gave Y/N's horse a loving stroke before he began to lead the beast away. He turned over his shoulder and continued, "But when was the last time you were able to kill a dandelion, general Arrogari?"

Not waiting for a response Esclave walked off, leading the graey mare a few paces behind him. Vanbinicci sulked at what Esclave had said. He frowned. He hated it that Y/N was better than him, but it was even worse to have been out-worded by her glorified manservant.

"Tch," he scoffed as he watched Esclave's silhouette grow smaller and smaller in the distance. He splashed some of the cold water from the trough onto his face to calm his bubbling envy.

He raised his head, cool water droplets falling from his dark lashes. "This is far from over," he growled softly. "I swear on my grandfather's grave that I will never submit to general Denlleonis, regardless of the cost."


Less action in this chapter I know, but that's probably for the best given how intense yesterday's chapter was.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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