53. The Assault.

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Y/N called the other generals to a meeting in a makeshift tent the following morning as the first light of the sun began to push back the night as the sky turned a cold graey. They all stood gathered around the table where a map of the Vascinian pass had been placed; the decided location of the coming battle.

"Alright, men, here's the plan," Y/N explained as she gestured to three pieces on the map two smaller and one larger. "The army will be split into three parts, the larger one will remain with me and Eslinn while the two smaller ones will be led by you four." She pointed at Esclave, Meccio, Baccoso, and Vanbinicci.

"This division of our forces will make the best use of our numerical superiority," She moved the two smaller pieces along, knocking over the small towers representing enemy scouts. "Your two divisions are to advance first but be discreet. Your goal is not to engage but to simply reach your designated objectives on the left and right wing without being noticed, meaning that you will need to kill any enemy scouts you come across before they can alert the rest of the Vascinian army." After that, the pieces representing the two sections of the army were moved to rest beyond the mountains, over enemy lines in Vascini.

"Wait, the places we're supposed to reach are on the other side of the mountain pass," Vanbinicci cut in, twirling his finger in his goatee as he examined the map. "There's no way we'd be able to reach those points even if we used the entire army, their defense is too strong." He pointed out, tapping the illustration of the barricade in the pass.

"That's why you're be leading the flanks over the mountains on either side of the pass," Y/N replied as she indicated the foothills on either side of the barricade. "It will be tough going but Baccoso and Esclave will be able to guide their respective sides safely."

"Now, Baccoso and Vanbinicci the left flank will be yours to command, Esclave and Meccio the right," She straightened back up, being sure to look each general in the eye in turn. "It is crucial that you reach the expected point before dawn tomorrow, because that's when the rest of the army will join you in your assault on the pass wall at which time the attack will begin." She moved the final larger piece on the map to mirror what she was saying.

"It will definitely help if you have support from behind enemy lines," Vanbinicci began to speak again, out of all of the Luccian generals he was the best at strategy so it only made sense that he had the most questions. "But you and Eslinn along with the rest of the army will be picked apart by the archers on the wall, it's impenetrable."

"You know that I summoned Eslinn here for more than moral support, right?" Y/N said as she arched a superior eyebrow in the Brunette's direction. "Don't worry, with the fragment of Estain's fire we'll breach their barricade without trouble, but you don't need to know about the details as it's my responsibility along with Eslinn's." She continued crisply.

"I see," Vanbinicci nodded his head, doing his best not to appear skeptical despite his misgivings. "So we will attack them at dawn tomorrow?" He asked.

"No," Y/N answered. "Before dawn, we want to catch them as off guard as we can." She explained.

"But it will be too dark to fight safely," this time it was Meccio who spoke up, his face scrunched with worry. "We'll be unable to tell our friends and foes apart." He bit his lip anxiously.

"Oh I wouldn't worry, Estain's Fire will provide more than enough light," Y/N replied, exchanging an amused chuckle with Eslinn at the redhead's unnecessary concern. "Now, are there any other questions?"  She asked in a more serious tone as she looked around the tent at the five men.

They all stood in silence and shook their heads. Even if Y/N had withheld some of the more detailed parts of her plan they all understood it to the point where nothing more needed to be answered.

"Then I shall see you again on the field of battle," Y/N said, giving them a firm nod followed by a salute. "Men may Estain deliver upon us the glory of victory."

. . .

The following day passed in a flurry as everyone prepared for the battle. The army was divided into three parts, the smaller two departed almost at once while the larger one stayed behind longer to pack up provisions and supplies before they too moved out.

It was past noon by the time the two leading divisions reached the foothills at which point they separated Baccoso and Vanbinicci heading into the foothills to the left of the pass while Esclave and Meccio headed right.  They had encountered several scouts as they traveled, but all of them had been disposed of before they could notify the rest of the Vascinian army about the Luccian Army's unexpected advance.

Traversing the mountains was as difficult as was expected, but with the aid of Baccoso and Esclave, both army divisions were able to reach their assigned points on the far side of the pass by midnight. The plan was that when the main army began attacking the barricade, drawing their fire, the two divisions would enter the pass from the other side leaving the majority of the Vascinian army completely surrounded.

When the two divisions reconnected after hiking through the mountains many of the soldiers embraced each other like brothers. The generals were not nearly as open, knowing that the battle was not yet won, but they still spared each other pleasant nods.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Luccian army had finished marching boldly towards Vascini and into the city of Crivell that sat abandoned. The army stopped its confident advance only when the barricade situated between the two sheer cliff faces came into sight ahead.

"That barricade is definitely more impressive in person," Eslinn commented to Y/N from where they rode at the front of the army. "Do you think that they've noticed our approach?" He asked as he glanced at her.

"It doesn't matter if they have," Y/N scoffed, tossing her head proudly. "We're out of range of their archers, but we can still use Estain's Fire to blow their fort away from here, no matter how impressive it is."

Eslinn nodded at her words before he dismounted and gestured for the sturdy cart being hauled directly behind the generals to be opened. At least, the fragment of Estain's Fire came into view. It was made of silver metal so bright that it gleamed even in the faint light of the moon. It was long and cylindrical with a hollow in the middle large enough for a grown man to fit in.

The larger end was situated on large wheels, even so, it took the combined efforts of Eslinn and several other rotund soldiers to roll it so that it was pointing at the barricade level with Y/N.

"Ready Estain's Fire!" Eslinn commanded and the Estainian soldiers busied themselves at once packing tissue-like paper, dark powder, and finally a heavy ball down the muzzle of the giant metal beast. "Hold! Follow the mark of Esedict General Denlleonis!" He bellowed in his deep voice.

A moment of silence followed as Y/N looked up to where she could see the Vascinian soldiers atop the wall scrambling to prepare. She smirked, it was already too late for them. She drew her sword from her side and raised it in the air, its glinting metal catching the attention of all those who saw it. As she brought it down through the air she cried, "FIRE!"


So, you've probably guessed by now what 'Estain's fire' is, but if you haven't I'll say it here, it's a cannon.

I know that it may seem a bit dull, but keep in mind that this is both very secret and advanced technology for the time this book takes place in. Most of the Luccian soldiers have no idea what it is, given that the use of cannons is still exclusive to Estain (and the empire beyond the sea.)

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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