3.Dismay and Disgust.

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"GHA!!!" Vanbinicci snarled, kicking his boot-clad foot against the sturdy leg of the main table before he threw himself down into the chair at the head of the table. His green eyes filled with wrath, as he glowered at his surroundings.

He had asked the other generals to gather within their meeting tent to discuss the situation regarding the 'General' Y/N Denlleonis. Baccoso and Meccio sat in the chairs they had occupied before, but neither of them said anything. They both knew only too well how easily provoked General Arrogari was when he was having a fit of temper.

"It's unheard of barbarity!!" he grunted, twisting his fingers in his beard. "Allowing a woman to strut about a military encampment calling herself a general with one tit on display like a harlot! I refuse to accept this!"

He grabbed a sheet of paper and a well of ink off of a nearby table, spilling some of it in his haste as he set it down and began scribbling away furiously, requesting the king to return General Denlleonis to Estain at once as her help was not required. He signed it sloppily before passing it to Meccio.

"See to it that this letter is mailed and reaches the Capital City Bocio with a week," Vanbinicci ordered, rubbing his face from fatigue. "the sooner the Estainians return home the better."

"Are y-you sure that's wise?" The redhead questioned after skimming through the content of the letter. "I m-mean we haven't m-made any progress with the stalemate, b-but maybe her un-unusual methods will help us?"

"I don't need anyone coming in here and telling me how to win a war, least of all a group of foreign soldiers and their barbaric slut of a general!" Vanbinicci snapped, turning on Meccio and venting his aggression.

"B-But she must be skilled, otherwise Estain would have had to send more than a mere company of soldiers with her!" Meccio protested. "You told me only yesterday that you were eager to be able to observe a gifted warrior from Estain at work!"

"Yes, well that's before I learned that a woman is regarded as their most gifted warrior!" Vanbinicci snapped, growing more irritated by Meccio's pestering by the minute. "I always thought that Estain was a backward country and this proves it!"

"Sending a woman to the front lines of battle should be a crime," Baccoso cut in, the deep rumble of his voice like far off thunder surprising the other two generals. The occasion was rare indeed that the bear-like man would speak an entire sentence. His brow was furrowed and his dark eyes unfocused as he recalled the terrible blood and carnage he had to endure on the front lines. The stench and horror of that place was something that he would wish on no living being, least of all a woman.

"Well said, Baccoso," Vanbinicci chimed in, his temper cooling. He placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and shaking his head sadly. "she would only hurt herself and be more harm than good for the rest of the army."

"But, her aura is far from normal!" Meccio protested, balling his hands into fists and raising his voice. "she reminds me of my father... so intimidating..." He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself at the thought of his father.

"Nonsense!" The brunette rounded on General Vilu, all his previous rage returning and then some. "Only a coward would let himself be bullied by a woman!"

"I-I just think we should give her a chance," Meccio squeaked, covering his face with his arms as he shied away from Vanbinicci. "It's the will of our king that she lead us, who are we to defy him?"

"Bah! You're only saying that because you've fallen prey to lustful desires for her, that was probably her plan all along, to enthrall our men and bleed our army of its pride," he overlooked his own desire, deflecting it onto the innocent Meccio instead. "But who would expect anything more from a pathetic weakling who's never seen battle before like you Meccio? You are a dishonor to the house of Vilu-"

"Enough," Baccoso growled, silencing Brunette at once. Meccio was sniffling and seemed to be on the verge of tears from Vanbiniccini's brutal tongue-lashing. Baccoso normally stayed out of it when Vanbinicci was bullying Meccio, hoping that the slight general would one day grow a spine and fight back, but he was willing to make an exception. "General Denlleonis' presence has put us all on edge, but fighting among ourselves will solve nothing," He rumbled.

Silence fell after the deep tone of his voice had dissipated. He had used more words in that day alone than he had used all the previous week, a fact that was not overlooked by the other genres.

"The voice of reason as always, Baccoso," Vanbinicci said after a minute with a chuckle, stroking his beard. "You truly are good at giving advice and assessing the situation, you should try talking more often."

"Mmm," the bear-like man only grunted in response, causing the brunette's mouth to twitch up into a smile.

"So, w-what are we g-going to do about general D-Denlleonis," Meccio asked meekly, twisted the letter he still clutched in his hands.

"You are going to see to it that my letter is sent to the king," Vanbinicci ordered, gesturing to the now crumpled letter in the redhead's hands. "After that, you are going to follow this 'general' Y/N around and report to me at the end of every day with the details of her activities."

"N-No, please!" Meccio protested, his violet eyes widening in fear at the thought of having to endure her terrifying presence again. 

"Oh, why not? You were saying that you wouldn't mind it if she stayed here and helped with the war effort," Vanbinicci snickered cruelly. "The least you can do is to help me keep her from causing any major problems before she is sent back to Estain. Now go."


We got to know three of the four yanderes in this chapter, and we will get to know the fourth better in the next chapter.

I'm curious about what you think of the generals so far. (I know that Vanbinicci seems pretty terrible right now, but I promise he won't always be.)

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Hounds of War [Yandere Generals x Female General Reader]Where stories live. Discover now