2. Scout the Perimeter.

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"From now on I am the one to say how things are going to be done in this army," Y/N declared. "You three should be grateful considering that you've led your army into a stalemate that's lasted for seven years. Though given that you're from Luccia I shouldn't expect anything more."

"How dare you speak to a man and a general that way?!" Vanbinicci snarled, his green eyes flashing in outrage.

Y/N's face hardened as she dismounted from her steed and strutted across the stretch of earth separating her from Vanbinicci. Even though she was at least a head shorter than the three generals they all involuntarily drew back from the sheer intimidation of her aura.

Vanbinicci struggled to swallow as Y/N focused all of her chilling attention on him. Her fist shot out and closed around the neck of his emerald tunic, pulling him down so that his eyes were on the same level as hers.

"I can speak to you however I please. You are such an incompetent set of generals that I could have burned down your whole campsite before you even knew I was here. I have raided brothels with more discipline and security than your army," General Denlleonis sneered, sending chills down the spines of the three generals.  "It's pathetic. No wonder I was appointed by your king as the leader of this army over you three, I am the only chance this miserable collection of worms has at victory."

She released her hold on general Arrogari's shirt and marched back to her horse. One of the soldiers in her entourage immediately fell to his knees and Y/N stepped on his shoulders to remount her horse.

"Starting today, you three generals, as well as your entire army, are at my mercy," Y/N announced, leaving no doubts in anyone's mind that her word was now the law within the war camp. "And although I have been called many names, General Denlleonis the Merciful has never been one of them, so I suggest that you watch yourselves."

She had leaned down and hissed the final bit directly to the three generals, cementing the icy fear that she had put in their hearts. Even Esclave who had watched her discipline many a wayward soldier felt a shiver trace its way down his spine.

"I am going to scout the perimeter, let's hope that the pitiful state of the Luccian army doesn't drive me to despair before I finish my inspection," Y/N turned her mighty steed, preparing to leave the clearing. Before she left she turned her attention to her companion and said with a snicker, "Esclave, I order you to stay with these three imbeciles, but play nice, we don't want any more of them pissing themselves from fright."

Poor Meccio had been so petrified by Y/N's threats that he had indeed wet himself. A fact that Y/N had noticed and mocked him for before riding off at a gallop. The other generals didn't even attempt to hide their laugher at his expense. Even the regimented Esclave couldn't stifle a chuckle. Meccio's pale face turned bright red, and tears of shame and embarrassment threatened to spill from his violet eyes as he hurried to withdraw within his tent.

Once he had gone Esclave cleared his throat and turned his attention to the remaining generals, his blue eyes void of all the previous warmth and admiration they held when gazing upon Y/N. "Listen up you lot, I want nothing to do with you three, but since General Denlleonis had bid me to coddle you I am honor-bound to follow her command."

"This is a jest!! Right?!" Vanbinicci snapped, his face flushed in anger and embarrassment. He recalled with irrigation how her presence had made him feel both intimidated and other less noble things. "Women don't lead, especially not whores!!"

"HOW DARE YOU! If I was not under orders I would gladly exercise my right to kill you for so gravely disrespecting my General," Esclave growled, his hand instinctively clutching his sword as his face twisted in rage. It took the entirety of his discipline to maintain his control. "I am not familiar with your customs in Luccia, but you should know that women-generals are not uncommon in Estain."

"I don't believe you!! If she's a general where is her modestly?!" Vanbinicci's temper flared further. The sound of agitated voices drew more of the soldiers to the clearing. If things continued to escalate there would be an outright fight. "Exposing part of her chest in an army camp is scandalous! Don't you agree?" Vanbinicci asked, trying to rally the support of his fellow generals.

"Mmm," Baccoso grunted. Had it not been for the crimson tint to his ears he would have looked unaffected by the whole thing. "Indeed."

"M-Maybe she could wear a tonic most of the time to c-cover herself?" Meccio suggested, covering his face in embarrassment at mentioning a woman's chest, having returned in a different pair of trousers.

"You incompetent fools, with your base thoughts and desires," Esclave snapped haughtily, his blue eyes glinting with superiority as he looked down on them. "General Denlleonis will do no such thing. It is a religious tradition in Estain that, like the goddess Estain herself once did in legend, female warriors expose their right breast before entering battle to prove the legitimacy of her womanhood and warriorship."

Preposterous! Mad! Barbaric! Could all be heard as the surrounding soldiers all seemed to agree with the stance that their generals had taken on the matter.

"It may sound uncivilized to you base swine. However, lustful engagements between any of the soldiery in Estain is strictly forbidden so, whatever you may think of our customs, I suggest that you keep your thoughts and eyes to yourself unless you want to return home castrated," Esclave lectured them, his self-righteousness growing. "I will take my leave now before I become as retarded as you clotpoles. I must set up General Denlleonis' tent, for I expect that she will desire to take a bath after the long days of travel we've endured."

With that said, he two rode off, not nearly as fast nor as elegantly as Y/N had done. He left the three generals to stew in their anger as the group of soldiers slowly dispersed.


Wow, only two chapters and we've already met all of the yanderes. That is unheard of for any of my books.

In case you are still a bit confused by Y/N exposing one of her breasts I will explain it again here. It is not meant to be a sexual thing, (although it is often seen that way in countries outside of Estain.) In their religion, after both her husband and her eight sons were injured in battle the Goddess Estain had no choice but to rally what remained of her husband's army and lead them into battle against the invaders herself. According to legend, she exposed her right breast to the enemy as she wanted the invaders to know that they were being driven from her land by a woman. Ever since her victory that day, it became a tradition for any female generals of Estain to bare their right breast before entering battle and when addressing the soldiery. 

I hope that explains it alright, and,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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