54. The Assault pt2.

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A moment of silence lingered after Y/N issued her order. The air prickled, charged with anticipation the men held their breath. A single match was struck, then a thunderous bang ripped through the stillness with such ferocity that it could be heard clearly even on the other side of the mountains where the rest of the army was waiting for the battle to begin.

The sound was so deafening that it frightened most of the Luccian soldiers into cowering, fearing that some otherworldly witchcraft was at hand, only the Estainians including their horses remained unfazed by the noise. At the same time that the bang was heard the strange device recoiled backward as a ball of blinding light erupted from the muzzle flying through the air faster than even an arrow.

It collided squarely with the center of the barricade, and first, it seemed as though nothing had happened, then a second deafening bang was heard as part of the barricade was blown apart as though struck by some giant invisible fist. Flames sprung up from the place where the ball had collided, only they blazed an unnaturally brilliant blue. To many of the Luccian soldiers present, this unimaginable fete was all the proof they needed to confirm that General Denlleonis was some supernatural being, akin to a god. To them, it seemed as though with the power of her voice alone she had rained blue fire down onto their enemies, a true deity of victory indeed.

"RELOAD! THE WALL HAS NOT YET FALLEN!" Y/N bellowed to Eslinn and the others responsible for managing the weapon, her voice sending a chill of trepidation through the rest of the gathered army. "PREPARE TO FIRE AGAIN ON MY MARK!" She declared as she raised her sword into the air again.

It was reloaded rapidly and once Y/N saw that it was ready she brought her blade down giving the second command to fire. It exploded with the same deafening sound as before as the blazing orb rocketed forth, blasting another part of the wall into smithereens as it spread the same unnatural blue fire that was still burning from the first impact.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pass, the other half of the Luccian army shuddered as the sound of the blasts were deafening even from their distance. They looked around with unease, wondering what the origin of the cacophony was. "How strange," Vanbinicci muttered, turning his head to look over the mountains that they had only just traveled. "I've never heard a sound like that before?"

"Is it thunder?" Meccio inquired as he looked up at the clear night sky and held out his hand to check for rain. "It doesn't look like it's stormy, I can see the stars."

"You fools!" Esclave cried as he stormed up to the three confused Luccian generals. "That's the rest of the army! They've begun the attack we must join them before we lose this window of opportunity." He said, urgently rousing the two sections of the army.

"- And try to find an opportunity to kill Eslinn if you can," he hissed in a voice low enough that only his fellow general could hear. Turning his attention back to the rest of the army he bellowed in as much of an imitation of Y/N's commanding tone that he could muster. "TROOPS MOVE OUT!"

The men rushed to retrieve any weapons that had been laid to rest on the ground before they got into formation. Cursing at the lack of light that he had predicted Vanbinicci ordered that at several intervals along the army column that soldiers be delegated to carry torches so that they would not be entirely blind.

Once the torch-barriers were evenly spaced throughout the ranks, the warm glow of the flickering fire giving them enough light to see their way. The divisions entered into the narrow pass, barely wide enough for fifteen men to stand side by side. The stone walls that rose dauntingly high on either side of them were sheer and so smooth that it was rather unnerving to think that they had formed naturally.

The four generals walked at the front of the army, moving briskly with their guards up. After several nerve-wracking minutes filled with no sound apart from the mysterious booming that would travel through the pass and the shuffling of many feet, they started to hear shouts of pure terror echoing towards them. Soldiers from Vascini came racing in the direction in complete disarray.

Most of their red and black uniforms were in tatters and their already panicked faces turned sickly pale at the sight of the enemy army blocking the only exit from the horrors they had just witnessed. Some tried to flee from the approaching army, others froze up in shock, but they were all cut down easily by the Luccian generals. With half the army pressing in at either side it turned the mountain pass into a deathtrap for all of the Vascinian soldiers who'd been cornered.

As they drew nearer to the Luccian side of the pass the enemy soldiers they encountered became increasingly charred and disheveled. Vanbinicci couldn't help but flinch when he saw to of them supporting an injured comrade who appeared to be badly burned, Baccoso easily beat the three men into the ground with his bare fists, but Vanbinicci couldn't help but wonder what the Estainians had done to batter such a seemingly unshakeable force.

He soon got his answer when the far end of the pass came into view. A blue light lit everything and at first, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, but several rapid blinks revealed that what he was seeing was real. "Lady Luccia!" He gasped in astonishment. Where there had once been a gigantic wall there lay piles of wooden debris blazing with blue fire that was slowly transitioning to the normal shade of fire.

The rest of the army stood silhouetted by the unnatural light. The charred and slain remains of countless Vascinian soldiers lay mingled in the rubble, and at the front of the army, an unimaginably intimidating figure stood. Y/N rode in front of the Luccian horde, her cape billowed behind her like a living shadow and the heads tied to her steed's harness swung in time with its mighty strides. Clenched in her first was a formidable sword, the same minerals used to change the fire's color had been applied to the blade, making it burn the same brilliant blue as the other fires.

The generals were so awestruck by this magnificent appearance that they didn't even have the presence of mind to look for Eslinn like they agreed. All they could do was watch with chills as Y/N approached them with the rest of the army following behind.

"VICTORY IS OURS TONIGHT!" Y/N bellowed in a voice that carried enough for all to hear, brandishing her sword high. "LET US NOT STAY OR WEAPONS BUT INSTEAD CONTINUE WEST! MEN, WE MARCH ON TO THE CAPITAL OF VASCINI!!!"


Estain's budget for relieving the poor: -
Estain's budget for cool military pyrotechnics: ∞

Jokes aside, I think this chapter was pretty epic. I hope that you enjoyed it, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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