18. Petty Talk.

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As more days passed and general Denlleonis still had yet to return to the army Meccio became even more volatile. He had taken to rampaging around the camp,  beating and abusing anyone who got in his way.

Long gone was the meek general, little more than a boy, who was once bullied by the entire army. In his place was a wrathful and unstable tyrant who took vengeance on all those who had wronged him. Even those soldiers who had served under the previous general Vilu would admit with ease that Meccio was far more terrifying than his father.

He inspired a different kind of fear in the hearts of the soldiers then general Denlleonis. Her intimidation came from sheer force of will, power, and ruthlessness. What made the army tremble before Meccio was not his physical strength or size, but instead his raging temper and mental volatility. Once his wrath overflowed there was nothing that could be done to avert his violent outbursts. The only one who had any control over him was general Denlleonis and no one had any idea how long it would be until she returned.

Vanbinicci had been monitoring the situation from afar and was growing increasingly worried, not only for his friend and comrade but for the entirety of the Luccian Army should Meccio be left unchecked. Just as uncertain as everyone else about the return of general Denlleonis, Vanbinicci had no choice but to ask for help from the next best person available.

Sacrificing a significant amount of his pride he wrote a note to Esclave asking to meet him in the council tent later that afternoon. Before he could dissuade himself out of hatred for the Subedict General he handed the letter off to a foot soldier and ordered it to be delivered.

After that, he dragged himself out of his quarters and into the meeting tent. He threw himself down in the seat at the head of the wooden table and ran a hand through his curly brown hair as he attempted to devise a solution to the problem on his own.

Several hours later Esclave arrived at the large canvas tent in the heart of the military camp. He pulled the flap of the tent open, wincing as the movement strained the self-inflicted wounds on his back that had yet to fully heal. Upon entering the tent he looked around taking brief note of its merger decorations before his blue eyes landed on the man who had summoned him there.

General Arrogari sat hunched over at the far end of the table, running his fingers through his disheveled hair and looking quite vexed. Still salty about the mental deterioration that the brunette's advances had caused Esclave alerted him of his presence by asking "Why have you asked me to meet you here? If it's because you want to try to bed me again the answer's still no."

"What?! No!" Vanbinicci spluttered, surprised by Esclave's sudden entrance. "Nothing of the sort," He responded, clearing his throat as he fidgeted with some of the papers on the table. "You know sex is not all I occupy myself with."

"Could have fooled me," Esclave shot back coldly. He took his dagger from his belt and began to sharpen it boredly. "I don't know how you'll ever get a decent woman to commit to you when you sleep around like a common whore." He said, feigning concern.

"You talk pretty big for someone with no experience," Vanbinicci snapped, bristling. He rose from the chair so that he was on the same level as general Azeeion and pointed at him, smirking. "Or am I mistaken, Virgin boy?"

"..." Esclave didn't respond. He crossed his arms and looked away, his cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "So why am I here if not to feed your disgraceful habits?" He finally asked, not missing the opportunity to send a jab at Vanbinicci.

"It's a military matter of great importance, but I-I," general Arrogari faltered in his explanation. It was his turn to flush in embarrassment as he managed to choke out. "... I need your... Help."

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you?" Esclave asked mockingly, cupping his hand to his ear to further insult him. "Did you say that you need help from an 'inexperienced virgin boy'?"

"Yes!!" Vanbinicci growled, his face turning bright red from aggravation as he glared across the tent, his green eyes flashing. "Gah! Don't make me repeat it! Saying it the first time was enough to make me want to be sick!"

"Agreed," Esclave stated as he tucked his dagger back into its sheath. "Since we both find each other sickening, how about we set aside our petty insults and discuss whatever military matter you wanted to discuss."

"I will if you will," Vanbinicci sulked childishly. After a moment he relented. "Fine. I asked you here to talk about Meccio."

"Ah, so you've finally noticed that your fellow general has lost it," venom dripped from Esclave's tongue with every word he spoke. "I thought it would take you at least another two weeks."

"I didn't just notice it!" General Arrogari snapped, his irritation at his present company growing. "What did we agree on about being petty?!"

"So what's the problem with general Vilu?" He asked, dodging the question. "He's running amuck, but that never seemed to be a big deal in the Luccian Army."

"It is if he's slaughtering soldiers without any justifiable reason!!!" Vanbinicci retorted, his temper flaring.

"So..." Esclave started, a wicked grin stretching his pale face. "Coercing soldiers into fulfilling your sexual desires is fine, but killing a couple without cause is where you draw the line?"

"Will you give it a rest?!" The brunette scowled, glaring daggers at Esclave. "Look, I know we don't see eye to eye on most things, but I think we can both agree that what Meccio is doing is not alright."

"That's true, but it still doesn't explain why you need me," he said, clearly disinterested in the conversation. "Meccio's your friend, you fix him."

"DO YOU THINK I HAVEN'T TRIED?!" Vanbinicci exploded. Esclave was shocked when he saw tears glittering in his bright green eyes.  "YOUR 'BELOVED GENERAL' DID SOMETHING TO HIM AND NOW SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CONTROL HIM - I-I thought that since you are close to her that you might have some idea-"

"-How to fix the little pest," Esclave finished. "Well, I'm sorry to say that you were right when you said that general Denlleonis is the only one who can control him. I have watched her scramble soldiers' minds for years, but I am just as clueless as you about how to calm him."

"Will you at least try and talk some sense into him?" There was a touch of desperation in his voice as he spoke through trembling lips. "You seemed to always be with each other before general Denlleonis left."

"Pfft," Esclave snorted as he recalled the petty pranks and slanders that he and Meccio had engaged in. "I guess you could say that. Why don't you talk to him, he is your friend?"

"I tried but..." All traces of the arrogant and hot-tempered general had vanished as he rolled up the sleeve of his tunic to reveal a nasty gash that ran across his outer forearm. "He only gave me this before running off. I can't seem to help him, and I-I fear that he will destroy himself if he continues like this..."

"You really do care about him, don't you?" Esclave said it as more of a statement than a question. After a moment of consideration, he continued. "Very well, I will try and talk with the ginger brat, but I can't promise that it will work."


I love the way that these two quarrel with each other. It is so entertaining and a real blast to write. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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