29. The Alliance.

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It had been over a week since anyone in the army had seen general Denlleonis or general Arrogari. Both their horses were missing and even though expeditions had been organized to try and find them, no trace of them could be found. And with the absence of the two most logical and capable leaders in the army things were starting to fall apart.

The whole of the army was uneasy and distrustful after the mysterious disappearance of two of their generals, which made maintaining discipline a much more arduous task. Theories and superstitions were spreading like wildfire through the camp and grew increasingly absurd as more and more time passed.

Meccio and Esclave were having an increasingly difficult time keeping the army from falling into anarchy, especially when they were on the brink of falling apart themselves. Meccio had to ward off growing wrathful spasms and desires for blood. Without general Denlleonis' presence, he felt the weakness that he so despised creeping back upon him. It was only the bit of counseling that Esclave had given him on controlling the madness that kept him from falling into the same state he had been in the first time she had left.

It was the saving grace for many that Meccio had some semblance of self-control because he was the only one who was able to pacify Esclave. The unexpected disappearance of the Esedict General caused him to spiral into a terrible state of withdrawal. He would flip from being an overemotional paranoid wreck to being as void of emotion as living stone.

In response to both of their increased volatility, the two general's became practically joined at the hip, staying close together for emotional support and to keep the other in check. In this way, the two men were able to maintain some semblance of stability within the army. What had started as a reluctant alliance due to mutual blackmail had become a genuine brotherhood.

The one who was the most difficult to handle was Baccoso. Without the support that Meccio and Esclave were lending each other, he had lost complete control. Giving in to the Nöerrc desires that Y/N had awakened in him he would rampage through the camp like a beast. His favorite pastime was to chase a group of soldiers out into the fields surrounding the camp and single one out; then the hunt would begin. He would stalk the soldier like a beast until he would eventually grow bored and spring forth and kill him.

Meccio and Esclave realized as soon as they heard about the black-haired general's new game that something had to be done. They met within the tent used for the general's to convene and tried to come up with a solution to Baccoso's rampages.

"Wh-what are we going to do?!" Meccio asked Esclave desperately across the table, his nervous stutter returning. "The way he acts is not human, just what did general Denlleonis do to him?!"

"She only awakened what he always was," Esclave answered monotonically, his blue eyes dull and empty as he stared blankly at the canvas wall. "I am not sure what we should do. I have never seen one of his kind lose control like this. As far as I knew they were incapable of feeling emotions as we do. I was wrong as he clearly feels strongly about-about the general..."

"That still doesn't solve the problem!!" The ginger protested, running his fingers through his flaming hair. "Now that general Denlleonis and general Arrogari are missing you are the leader of the army. What do we do general Azeeion?"

"I-No - I'm not the leader - Y/N is - Y/N..." Esclave stammered, his face contorting in panic as he began to have an emotional episode. "Y/N-Y/N's gone - it's all my fault - where is she? - I-I need to atone... I need to atone... I need to atone..." Chanting the same phrase over and over he took hold of the dagger attached to his belt and drew it out. He raised it as though to strake himself down, continuing to chant, lost to reason.

"Esclave No!!" Meccio jumped to his feet and rushed over to the brunette, snatching the blade away from him before it was too late. Meccio had learned very quickly that Esclave had a bad habit of trying to hurt himself 'to atone' whenever he lost lucidity, which meant that the redhead had to keep him away from sharp objects to the best of his ability.

"Pull yourself together!" Meccio growled as he delivered a hearty slap to Esclave's face, trying to return him to his senses. "I know that this is hard, but you have to stop blubbering and help me solve this problem. Imagine what Y/N would say if she could see us two idiots now?"

"You are right, pest," Esclave sighed, in the same monotone voice he had before, rubbing his quickly reddening cheek. "Now is not the time for weakness."

"So, what are we going to do, general Azeeion?" General Vilu repeated as he hesitantly returned to his seat.

"The only thing that we can do," Esclave said with a sigh, clearly malcontent with his plan. "We ask Baccoso to join our alliance, and if he refuses... We put the mad dog out of his misery."

. . .

The evening had fallen over the camp by the time that Esclave and Meccio had prepared everything necessary for their plan. Esclave had asked Baccoso to meet him in the generals strategizing tent alone. When the bear-like general entered the candle-lit tent he found that Esclave was standing at the far end of the table with nothing else in sight.

"Hmpf," Baccoso grunted, having not yet gotten over the unpleasantness of their last interaction. "What do you want?"

"I called you here to discuss your recent 'hobbies'," Esclave responded tartly, his blue eyes narrowing as he glared at Baccoso. "They are atrocious and you must stop them at once."

"And if I don't?" The black-haired general growled, rising to as much of his full height as the tent would allow. "Why should I listen to you."

"Because I am offering you an alternative to such bestial habits," Esclave scoffed condescendingly as he walked around the table. "Join me. We can form and an alliance of non-intervention. I won't interfere with your time with the general and you won't interfere with mine. And together we can keep everyone else away from her. If you don't join me I'll tell Denlleonis about your new favorite game to hunt."

"Bch," Baccoso shook his head in disdain. "I have no interest in being another man in her entourage. I refuse."

"Ha!" Meccio, who had been holding himself up precariously against the ceiling of the tent suddenly let go and let himself fall onto the bear-like general. He latched onto his massive shoulders and wrapped his arms around his neck, holding the ceremonial dagger to his throat. "Too bad you don't have a choice! Don't move unless you want to be covered in your own blood."

"I knew that blackmail alone would not be enough to get a beast like you to comply," Esclave was dripping with smugness as he advanced closer to Baccoso, smirking. "So we devised a different strategy."

"Swear your loyalty to our alliance on your honor and submit to our authority, or I'll slit your throat and watch you bleed out," Meccio snickered, a deranged smile splitting his pale face as he pressed the knife against the giant's neck. "So which will it be, both sound like fun?"

"Hmpf," Baccoso snarled, furrowing his brows in irritation. He wanted to tear them both apart, but even with his vast strength, he knew that he would be dead before he could do anything to either of them. He had been outmaneuvered. Getting down on his knees he growled bitterly, "I pledge my loyalty to general Azeeion and general Vilu. I submit to the authority of this alliance - now get off my back, you runt!"


Looks like three of the yanderes have made peace with each other (sorta).

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter, and,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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