43. Forced Alliance.

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While the other three generals had been chaotically working together to try and discern anything of what Esedict General Denlleonis and Esedict General Azeeion were planning Vanbinicci had been left completely out of the loop.

He had to fend for himself, struggling to get even the slightest bit of information, but the other generals kept him away from even the slightest opportunity that presented itself. At first, he had been relieved that the arrival of Eslinn had distracted them and kept them too occupied to continue trying to kill him.

His relief quickly morphed into paranoia as he realized that Eslinn must have been a big threat to their feelings for the general if they would completely discard their feud with him. He tried talking to Rae out of sheer desperation, but his charms had no effect on the woman who was clearly enamored with Esclave and not that fond of talking if he wasn't around.

He had done his best to observe Y/N and Eslinn's interactions trying to see if Eslinn would submerge Y/N further into Estain's brutal customs as he feared, but now the other generals were even keeping him from doing that. Finally, in desperation, he approached Eslinn to try and get a proper read on his character.

"I don't think I made a good first impression," Vanbinicci said politely as he approached the burly general who was in the process of removing the saddle from his horse after his ride. The brunette tried his best to smile at the intimidating general, "My name is Vanbinicci, and I'd like to apologize for my rudeness upon your arrival."

"Don't prostrate yourself in such a way, it's demeaning," He scoffed dismissively at general Arrogari's attempt at politeness. "And don't apologize, you were just trying to do right by your army, however poorly executed." He added as though Vanbinicci was too insignificant for anything he did or said to be offensive.

Vanbinicci felt a shiver travel down his spine, whether it was one if intimidation or attraction he was not sure. His energy is so similar to Y/N's, he thought, recalling how Y/N made him feel, only Y/N has a fragile heart, this man is a beast to the deepest part of his soul.

"So, what are these for?" He asked, gesturing to the dried human heads that hung by their blood matted hair from the chest part of the horse's harness. "I've seen them on General Denlleonis' harness as well, but I've never understood them."

"Well, there's not much to understand lad," Eslinn said, in a good enough mood to humor Vanbinicci, although he addressed his as though he were a child. "It's a custom in Estain that if you take another warrior's head there soul will be bound to serve you for all eternity. Some choose to nail their captured heads to their front doors, as it's thought to bring good luck. Generals such as myself and Y/N choose to display our proudest heads on the front part of the harness so that they may strike fear into the hearts of our foe before we cut them down."

"I-I see," Vanbinicci stammered, completely appalled by the information. He tried his best to remain calm, but both the Estainian General and the dried up heads seemed to be leering at him. It was all so violent, so ruthless, so cruel. Eslinn's presence would drag Y/N down into Estain's brutal ways entirely.

"Don't worry lad," Eslinn said, slinging his arm around Vanbinicci's shoulder as they walked a few paces away from the warhorse. "With a good five years more training and a hair cut, you'll be on your way to becoming a fine general." He said as he waved the brunette off.

Too wrapped up in his own thoughts to return the gesture the Luccian General walked off, his mind spinning. Eslinn was obviously stronger than Vanbinicci by a far amount. There was no way that he would be able to protect Y/N and keep her from becoming just like him on his own.

Desperation and despair gripped him at the thought. He couldn't stand the thought of the caring side of Y/N that had nursed him back to health disappearing, as he was sure it would if she was in Eslinn's presence for long enough.

He's even worse than I thought, I have to whatever it takes to protect Y/N from him, his influence will destroy the fragile shred that remains of her inner child, Vanbinicci thought, both his pride and his remaining sanity crumbling. I swore that I would save her, and I don't care what I have to do. I love her.

. . .

That night, Esclave, Meccio, and Baccoso all arrived in a derelict part of the camp, far away from any potential eavesdroppers. The three men looked around in unease, paying attention for anything out of the ordinary. They had each received a letter from Vanbinicci asking to meet there, and they all wanted to know why.

"Well, look who it is?" Meccio scoffed, the first to notice the solitary general emerging from the shadows, his tan slender face appearing ghostly in the chilly light of the moon.

"In the mood to die after so long without your love," Esclave sneered as he reached for the dagger in his belt.

"I'm in," Vanbinicci said calmly, his normally playful green eyes completely serious and cold.

"What?!" Esclave took an involuntary step back, trying to understand what the brunette had just said. The other two generals were just as surprised by his statement.

"I said I'm in," Vanbinicci repeated, a calculated hunger shining in his emerald eyes. "I know that you all want that wretch Eslinn gone and we'll only be able to do that if we work together, the four of us."

The other three generals stood in stunned silence as the most arrogant among the generals extended his hand in truce. "what do you say?" He asked.

After a moment's hesitation and some exchanged looks between the three men, Esclave stepped forward and took his hand in his own. "Welcome to the alliance, brother."


Looks like Vanbinicci has finally joined the yandere alliance. It took a long time for them to all start working together, but now that they are things are going to start accelerating.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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