49. Guilty of Love.

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The four generals who had been listening intensely to the conversation occurring within the tent each felt their hearts freeze in turn as Eslinn begged Y/N to forgive him for something potentially intimate that had happened between them the previous night.

Blinded by anger and jealousy Meccio rose up from where he had been crouched to eavesdrop and rushed into the tent screaming, "WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO LAST NIGHT?!" The other generals followed behind him just as jealous, but less vocal than the redhead.

"That's none of your business!" Eslinn growled his voice returning to full volume as he whirled around and drew his sword, pointing it at the assembly of general's who had just arrived. "Now you four better tell me what you're doing here before I gut you for interrupting a private meeting between generals!"

"That's none of your business!" Vanbinicci shot back in a mimicking tone, his green eyes filled with spite.

"You dare talk back to me in such a manner you man-woman!!" Eslinn roared, losing his temper as he lunged at Vanbinicci who quickly danced out of reach. "I'll have your tongue for that, you bastard!!"

"I won't leave until you tell me exactly what did or didn't happen between you two!!" Meccio declared as he balled his hands into shaking fists.

"ENOUGH!!" Baccoso bellowed, the deep rumbling quality of his voice catching the attention of everyone in the tent and causing them to stop to look at him.

"Y/N... Y/N tell me that this is all just a big misunderstanding..." Esclave said quietly, speaking up for the first time in little more than a whisper. His blue eyes were large with desperation and betrayal. "Tell me that you weren't intimate with my brother..."

"I-I-" Y/N faltered as everyone's attention was turned to her and silence fell. It was ridiculous to think that she had been intimate with Eslinn, but she also didn't want to confess that she had cried in his arms the previous night over little more than a nightmare.

"Of course not you wretch!" Eslinn declared as soon as he detected Y/N's uncomfortableness. "How dare you ask such a disrespectful question - Esedict General Denlleonis and I merely discussed some more sensitive military matters last night." He explained.

"If that's true why were you just hounding her about ignoring you, huh?!" Vanbinicci spat, pointing an accusatory finger at the Estainian general."She wouldn't do that if you were 'just talking about military matters'!"

"Yeah!" Meccio chimed in, taking a step closer to the brunette. "Vanbinicci makes a good point there - you're lying and we know it!"

"You'll pay for that you filthy swine!" Eslinn growled, glaring daggers at the four other men while he began to advance towards them, a longing for blood clear in his steely eyes. Before he could reach them Baccoso reached out and snatched him up by the scruff of his neck, restraining him.

"Hay! Get your hands off me giant!" Eslinn commanded as he thrashed in the grip of the mighty black-haired general. "Otherwise I'll cut your fingers off one by one!"

"Gyah!" Meccio cried as he flung himself at Eslinn, latching on with his teeth and clawing at him.

"Did this little pest just bite me?!" The brunette growled, trying to peel the petite redhead off him while still being restrained by the bear-like man.

Moments later Esclave and Vanbinicci joined in on the fray, rolling around on the floor and brawling in chaos. Y/N watched on for several moments before she regained enough of her sensibilities to command them to cease.

"I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU ALL!" She shouted, the sound of her angry declaration freezing the five men who hastened to disentangle themselves. "Do you honestly think that anything degenerate happened between me and Eslinn; me and Eslinn? Pure stupidity, and also Eslinn, getting all agitated just gave them the munitions to think that there were grounds to their wild claims." She lectured them all as though they were nothing more than naughty children.

"But-" Eslinn tried to protest but Y/N interrupted.

"Also Rae has been standing at the door for the past several minutes with two hogtied soldiers and you all have been too bust brawling to even notice her!" Y/N cut in, gesturing with exasperation at Rae who was indeed standing at the entrance to the tent with two bound soldiers behind her.

"Rae!" Eslinn growled, allowing his embarrassment at being scolded by Y/N to turn into anger. "What did I tell you about disrupting Denlleonis and myself without my permission?"

"You-you said n-not to, but-" she stammered, trying to explain herself.

"But what?!" He asked mockingly as he approached her. "I don't remember telling you that."

Quivering, she repeated the order he had given her. "You said n-not to disrupt you and Esedict General D-Denlleonis under any circumstances without your permission."

"Very good," He said calmly before striking her across the face so hard that it caused her to stumble. "There! That's what you get for disobeying me."

"Yes, forgive me, Esedict General Azeeion," She whimpered as she clutched a hand to her stinging cheek.

"So," Eslinn pressed her. "What was so important that it made you ignore my rules?"

"These-these two soldiers-" she stammered in a feeble whisper.

"Speak up, I can barely hear you," Eslinn scolded her in his booming voice, causing her to flinch.

"I-I caught these two men... I caught them t-together!!" She said in a rush as she shoved the two soldiers in question to their knees before the assembled generals in the tent. "They confessed that they have been b-bedding each other for several months, and I brought them here to face just punishment!"

"Ah, what news!" General Denlleonis exclaimed a malevolent glint taking hold in her E/C eyes that caused everyone else to recoil from the intensity of it as she gazed down at the tied men "Two degenerates guilty of love - how tragic that there will be no future for you love, oh wait, you would have been doomed regardless seeing as neither of you can bear children, I'm just hastening the inevitable." She said in a sickening imitation of a croon.

"W-what are you going to do to us?" One of them asked, squirming in his ropes in fear.

"You will see before long - Eslinn, prepare the supplies necessary for The Lovers Knot," Y/N ordered, having made up her mind on what punishment the two men would face. "The rest of you, call a gathering in the main green of the camp, I want everyone to witness this."


Oooo, after all this time it looks like we are finally going to see what that punishment is that Esclave and the other generals have been trying so desperately to avoid. Got any ideas about what it might be?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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