8. Bitter Warning.

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Meccio ran and ran through the darkened sea of tents. He didn't have a goal in mind, all he knew was that he had to get away.

While he was talking with the other generals he tried to put on the callus, unfeeling, persona that he watched Y/N use when dealing with unruly soldiers. At first, it had been easy enough for him to do. He had been obsessively mimicking everything she did, but once his feelings for her came under attack he had crumbled.

He continued to run through the moonlit camp as tears welled in his eyes. He fought the urge to cry, but sobs soon overtook him. He may have unlocked newfound courage, but he discovered that if he was away from Y/N for too long he would lose touch with the hatred that made him fierce and revert to a coward. That was at the root of his growing feelings for the general.

Meccio's lungs burned from running, forcing him to slow, and then stop. Looking around as he gasped for air, he realized that he had run to the far edge of the camp. He stood in the open prairie, the sea of tents beginning several paces behind him. The mountain range to the west was little more than jagged black shapes against the night sky.

With the pounding of his heart ringing loudly in his ears, Meccio failed to hear the sound of footfalls creeping up behind him. "It's a lovely night for stargazing." A dry voice said.

The redhead startled and whirled around. The unmistakable silhouette of general Denlleonis' aid stood a few paces behind him. "Esclave?! W-What are you doing out here so late?"

"I saw you come running out of the meeting tent after your little chat with the other generals and I followed you," Esclave said cordially, but his friendly tone had darker intentions hiding behind it. "I think it's time you and I have a chat ourselves."

"W-Why do you want to talk to me?" Meccio asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. As airheaded as he was at times, it was not lost on general Vilu that Esclave always wore a sour and petty expression in his presence. "Every time I've seen you, you seem to detest me."

"Oh, I do detest you," Esclave replied condescendingly. "And that's exactly why I want to talk to you."

"I-I don't understand," the ginger faltered, taken aback by his unabashed admittance.

"You have been worming your way closer to general Denlleonis," The brunette jabbed an accusatory finger at Meccio's chest.  "don't think I haven't noticed the adoring way you look at her. It's disgusting, and the general of course is completely oblivious to your affection. She is a clever woman, but not when it comes to matters of the heart."

"So what?!" He protested, glowering right back at him. "I love her! You can't stop me from what I feel!"

"Oh, but I can," Esclave's eyes glowed with excitement as his whole face twisted into an expression of cruel pleasure. "You can continue loving Y/N, but if you do you'll end up dead."

"Are you threatening a general Esclave?" General Vilu snapped, his tone growing icy as he bristled. He didn't like being spoken down to.

"Unfortunately not," Esclave sighed, thoroughly disappointed that he was not threatening the little redheaded pest. "I'm giving you a warning. If you continue to hold romantic desire in your heart for general Denlleonis she will discover it eventually, and when she does she will be the one to kill you."

"Why?!" Meccio cried, his violet eyes growing wide as he stumbled back. "Why would she do that?!"

"Because in Estain, relations between soldiers of any kind are against the code. And such a crime is punishable by death," Esclave sneered, reveling in his superiority. "General Denlleonis will do anything to make sure that the code is maintained in her army. I have seen her kill many a valiant soldier for being unable to control his lust or remain disciplined at all times. If she discovers your feelings, she won't hesitate to kill you."

"W-Why are you telling me this?" Meccio stammered as his confidence crumbled. His dreams of loving the general and the possibility of her feeling the same all were blown away, leaving only despair. "I thought you would be happy to see me dead."

"Oh, I will be. And you will die, make no mistake," The brunette snapped, seeming to tower over Meccio in his dejected state. "I just want you to know why. It's pretty ironic really," he snickered wickedly, enjoying Meccio's despair. "More than anything else, the general values loyal soldiers, but it's going to be your devote loyalty to her that eventually gets you killed by the woman you desire. You dare to have feelings for her, a weak coward like you, it makes me sick."

Esclave became more unhinged with every word he spoke. His emotions were taking control, and nothing good ever came of that. "She will never return your feelings!!! The general has never once fallen prey to love for anyone!!! Never once has she seen how much I - nevermind!"

Esclave faltered, cutting himself off, but it was too late. The redhead had already caught on to what he was saying. "You love her too," he whispered, coming to a sudden realization. "For years, you've been forced to hide how you feel, for fear of being slain by the woman you love the moment she discovers the truth. That's why you want to see her kill me."

"YOU LIE!!!"Esclave screamed, losing what shreds remained of his discipline. His hair fell into front of his crazed eyes as the true monster that dwelled within him came to the surface. "I-I WOULD NEVER DARE TO THINK OF Y/N AS ANYTHING MORE THAN MY GENERAL!!! IT'S NOT MY PLACE."

"You can't fool me with your tricks," it was Meccio's turn to snicker as he recalled what he had witnessed Esclave do. "I know the truth, I saw you drink some of general Denlleonis' bathwater the night you two arrived."

The brunette's face turned ashen as he realized that he had been caught. "If you breathe one word about that to anyone I will kill you, Vilu." He hissed menacingly.

"Even if you kill me, Y/N will still know the truth about your perverse nature." Meccio was overflowing with smugness. For once in his life, he had the upper hand over someone, and he planned to make Esclave suffer for it.

"What do you want from me to guarantee your silence?" The subedict general asked softly, a hint of desperation in his voice. He knew that he would have to be willing to do anything if he wanted to keep his secret safe.

"I want the same thing that you want; Y/N," Meccio stated dryly. "I want to form an alliance with you to keep our feelings for general Denlleonis a secret, and to work together to keep the other swine in this camp away from her. What do you say?"

Esclave pretended to consider it for several moments even though he knew that he didn't have a choice. Taking a deep breath, he sauteed Meccio.  "I Agree."


Oooo, tensions are on the rise. Things are only going to get worse as more of the generals become yanderes. As of right Esclave is the only full yandere, while Meccio is still in the fledgling stages, and Vanbinicci and Baccoso have yet to develop any romantic feelings for Y/N.

Until next time I'll see you one the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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