38. Growing Tensions and a Secret Letter.

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After the generals' brief conversation in the strategic tent, they went their separate ways. Vanbinicci took care of his father's corpse while the others disposed of his dead guards and sent a messenger to the capital with the false news that his father and the entire traveling party had been assassinated on the road.

It was a sloppy cover-up, but Vanbinicci knew that King Ilidoro had long seen the house of Arrogari as the largest threat to his rule, so he doubted that the king would question the suspicious circumstances of his death out of personal convenience.

Did Vanbinicci regret killing his father? Well, that was a question that the young general definitely would have been pondering over had he not had more pressing things to worry about. Ever since he had refused to join the other generals in their shared pursuit of Y/N, he found that his nearly fatal accidents were multiplying at an alarming rate.

The day after their confrontation he had been going for a ride when he discovered that the buckles on his saddle had been damaged, moments later he went tumbling to the ground, luckily he hadn't been riding too fast otherwise he could have gotten more than just a few bruises. He had thought it had been a coincidence, but once he got a closer look at his saddle he realized with a sickening lurch that the buckles had been purposely tampered with.

He tried his best to forget that instance, but latter the tent that had nearly collapsed with him inside was not so easily dismissed. His suspicions were confirmed that same day when he was walking through a dark and deserted part of the camp and a shadowed figure ran at him brandishing a sword. He managed to escape once he entered a busier part of the camp, but now there could be no doubt. Someone was trying to kill him, and he had a pretty good idea who it was.

He spent his days on the move constantly, staying in crowded areas, and looking over his shoulder for any sign of the other generals. Surprisingly, he had seen no trace of any of them since the day he killed his father, but he knew that they were around. For whatever reason, they didn't want to kill him directly, which he was grateful for. Even so, resorted to sleeping in random tents at night, fearing that he would be gutted in his sleep if he was in his own tent.

As more days passed the constant state of stress and anxiety began to take a toll on him. His nerves were fried and he could feel himself slipping further away from sanity by the day, but he did his best to ignore it. The only thing good that came from the next week was that Y/N had recovered to the point that she could walk around on her own and was involving herself more and more in the goings-on around the camp.

The three other generals were almost always swarming around her, which made it practically impossible for Vanbinicci to visit her, but he just watched from afar. Never missing the rare opportunity to talk to her.

One sunny afternoon, just such an opportunity presented itself when Vanbinicci noticed the general getting a breath of fresh air outside of her tent, alone. Seizing his chance, he walked up to her and said, "Well, I'm glad to see that you're walking around again," trying to sound as confident as always, even though his heart felt like it was skipping stones inside his chest.

"Not as glad as I am, believe me," Y/N said with a carefree laugh that set Vanbinicci's cheeks ablaze.

"I wouldn't count on it-" He began, but he was interrupted when someone came up behind him and splashed him with a bucket of wine. He whirled around, wiping the burgundy liquid from his eyes. He was just in time to catch sight of a familiar head of ginger hair darting around a corner. Looking back at Y/N he realized that even though he had taken the brunt of it some of the wine had splashed on her boots. Rage bubbled through the brunette as he realized that the generals' prank on him could have easily soaked Y/N and caused her to get sick again. "-THAT'S IT!! I'VE HAD IT!!! YOU'VE OFFICIALLY GONE TO FAR!!" He growled as he took off in pursuit of the other generals.

Y/N watched him go with a smirk, chuckling. She was well aware that there was some infighting between the four generals, but she was willing to let it play out. Especially when it enabled her to keep certain things concealed from them.

"Follow me inside, quickly while those four idiots are trying to kill each other," she ordered the messenger who had arrived earlier that day, whose presence she wanted to keep secret.

"Y-Yes Esedict general Denlleonis," he squeaked, scurrying inside the tent behind her.

"Your uniform, you're from, Estain and not Luccia," she commented as she walked behind the small table in her tent and sat down.

"Yes, general Denlleonis," the messenger stammered, fearing for his very life. He had heard stories from more seasoned messengers about the brutal General Denlleonis. "I have a letter from the Esedict General Eslinn Azeeion. Would you like me to read it for you?"

"That won't be necessary," She said plainly, oblivious to his nerves. "just leave it on the table and get out of here before those blundering idiots finish brawling."

"Y-Yes, general Denlleonis," He saluted her, rushing to leave the envelope on the desk before fleeing from the tent as though he expected her to throw an axe at his retreating back.

She chuckled at this before she turned her attention to the letter, not paying attention to any of the envelope's insignificant decorations or the insignia on the wax seal she opened it.

To the valiant Esedict General Y/N Denlleonis,

I, Esedict General Eslinn Azeeion am writing to inform you that your request for a fragment of Estain's Fire has been approved by the king and queen and that I am to deliver it myself as I am the head of the division of the army responsible for that as you well know. I am pleased to be able to fight beside you, as it has been several years. I should arrive at the Luccian army camp not long after you receive this letter. I fight for the glory of Estain, her honor is my honor.

With honor, Esedict General Eslinn Azeeion.


New character about to be introduced.

Yandere, perhaps?

Let me know you're thoughts, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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