12. Why Is She Following Me?

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The eight-day trails, at last, came to an end. The Luccian Army had been shrunk down to less than three-quarters of its original size, and those who were left were shell-shocked and exhausted. Well-aware of how difficult the trials were, General Denlleonis permitted the army several days of rest.

The following day after the trials, one of the first things that Y/N did was pay a visit to Meccio, much to the displeasure of Esclave who had enjoyed having her all to himself, without that little redheaded pest getting in his way.

General Vilu was laying in his cot when they arrived. He struggled to sit up to greet them, his arms shaking. He looked exhausted, but he still managed to smile cheerfully at Y/N. Even if the trials had been excruciating, he didn't hold it against Y/N. She was just trying to make him strong after all, she was just trying to help him.

Their conversation was short and direct. Once Y/N got confirmation that Meccio was still in good health she immediately began to bombard him with questions about general Baccoso. Finding his answers unsatisfactory she left soon after. Esclave followed at her heels, nearly tripping over the severed head that was still displayed outside general Vilu's tent.

Y/N had told Esclave why she was suddenly so interested in general Baccoso but had sworn him to secrecy. He felt very pleased to know that she still trusted him more than the pushover Meccio. He had the same suspicions about the background of the black-haired beast of a man as Y/N did, but was just as unable to find any solid evidence to support it.

Over the next several days, Y/N continued to try and find an excuse to strike up a conversation with Baccoso, but every time he would seem completely disinterested in any exchange with her and would hurry to excuse himself and it was starting to get on Y/N's nerves.

After three days of failing to make any progress with 'the bear-man' Y/N finally managed to catch him tending to his warhorse. It was a large black draft horse, seeing as no regular warhorse would be able to carry the hulking man into battle.

"Here," she said in the least abrasive way she could. She halted a few steps away from Baccoso and offered him an apple. "I brought this."

He looked at her with distrust clear in his glowering charcoal eyes. He may not have jumped at Y/N's sudden arrival, but it was clear that her presence put him on edge. Catching onto his uneasiness his horse began shifting its weight nervously.

"Don't make a fuss, it's for the horse," general Denlleonis stated in response to Baccoso's obvious distrust. She strode towards the mighty black steed and offered it the apple from her open palm. The horse ate the apple at once, dropping any previous suspicions about Y/N's aims.

"What's her name?" Y/N asked as she stroked the horse's soft muzzle. A surprising look of gentleness in her E/C eyes.

Baccoso continued to watch her suspiciously, not as easily won over as his mount. His instincts told him that general Denlleonis was incredibly dangerous, and they had never been wrong before. Still, after several moments of contemplation, he decided that there wasn't much she could do with his horse's name, so he answered her question. "Tola."

"She's a mighty specimen," Y/N said without looking at Baccoso. "I think she could even make my horse Esconstride appear small." She mused.

"Why do you keep talking to me?" Baccoso asked her, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder. General Denlleonis was not one to enjoy small talk, yet she had been seeking out quite meaningless conversations with the hulking man, and he was honestly both confused and frightened by her sudden interest in him.

"I have my reasons..." She said in a surprisingly playful tone for such a blunt warrior, as she turned her attention to the black-haired general at last. "Say, Tola isn't a Luccian name, is it?" She asked in a voice that suggested she already knew the answer.

She can't know!! She can't have guessed!!! No one can discover it! Baccoso thought as paranoia froze the blood in his veins. I can't have been found out, not after all these years!!

"I have to go." The giant of a man declared before quickly walking off, leaving Y/N and his steed in the dust.

General Denlleonis laughed as she watched his quickly retreating form. She smirked; she had just gotten all the evidence she needed to prove suspicion. He was exactly who she thought he was.

. . .

As night fell general Vilu and general Arrogari were both summoned to the meeting tent by general Baccoso. When they arrived the black-haired man finally confided in the other two about the strange way that general Denlleonis had been behaving around him ever since the trials ended.

"And you really have no clue what she wants?" Vanbinicci interrogated him as he paced around the tent. His gate was accompanied by a limp that he had acquired during general Denlleonis' trials. "Not even the slightest idea?"

Baccoso sat hunched over in one of the chairs in the tent. He appeared to be trying to make himself look small and unimportant, which ultimately failed because of his immense size. The other generals would have found the cowering giant funny had he not been their friend. "... No." He finally said, his deep voice quiet.

"It's unlike her to take such an interest in someone," Meccio mused, thinking over what he knew of the general. Had Baccoso not looked so anxious about the situation the ginger would have been green with envy at how much attention he was receiving from Y/N. "I wonder what she's planning?"

"Now that is something that we would all like to know," Vanbinicci agreed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair, his brows furrowed in concentration. The three men exchanged nervous glances as they wondered what gruesome plan general Denlleonis was following.


That awkward moment when general Denlleonis treats a horse better than the soldier in the last chapter. 

What do you think she's planning, and what secret is Baccoso hiding? Let me know your theories in the comments, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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