33. Illness.

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Vanbinicci was having a very pleasant dream about returning with the other generals to Bocio after winning the war. He had just gotten to the part where he was helping Y/N adjust to the different social customs of Luccia and heal from her traumatic past when he was woken with a start.

He groaned as the wind was suddenly knocked from his lungs and his mouth was filled with the taste of dirt. The reason for this soon became apparent as he opened his eyes to find that instead of laying on his cot as he had been when he went to sleep the previous night he was face-first on the ground of the tent.

He tried to figure out how he got there, but the reason for that also became apparent when someone grabbed his shoulder and rolled him over onto his back. His vision still slightly blurry it took him a moment to recognize the person who had thrown him out of his bed and rolled him over as Esclave, and he looked furious.

"Heyyyy," Vanbinicci mumbled, his voice groggy. He was still exhausted from the riding he had done the past several days, and one night of rest was not enough to recharge him entirely. "What are you doin'?"

"I'm going to kill you, you degenerate, bastard!!" Esclave screamed in rage his brown hair falling in front of his deranged blue eyes as he pinned Vanbinicci down and wrapped his hands around his throat.

What in the name of Luccia did I do?! Vanbinicci thought, his eyes darting around in panic as he tried to figure out why Esclave was attempting to strangle him. I haven't been back a day and he's already trying to kill me!!

Grabbing hold of the brunette's forearms he managed to loosen his hold enough to roll away and push himself to his feet on the other side of the tent.

"Get back here you swine!!" Esclave seethed his face contorting as he took hold of one of the swords on the rack and pulled it loose. "I'll make sure you pay for what you've done!!"

This man is insane! Vanbinicvi thought as he darted out of his tent, not even bothering to pull on his boots as Esclave was following right behind him. Why do I have to deal with this first thing in the morning?!

He tore down a small hill, nearly slipping in the mud. He darted and wove through the tents but he was still unable to shake the Subedict general from his tail. He plowed through a group of soldiers standing in his way, ignoring their gasps of surprise when they saw one of their generals go flying past in his bedclothes.

Running through your military camp in nothing but a tunic while trying to avoid getting killed by a fellow general, Vanbinicci thought bitterly. If I survive Meccio will never let me forget this.

After another minute of running his eyes landed on a sword laying outside one of the tents and he slowed, an idea coming to mind. Taking advantage of his distraction Esclave pulled out a small blade and flung it at Vanbinicci.

It embedded itself in a post a hair's width from his face. Vanbinicci's face turned pale as he realized how close he had come to dying, but he quickly returned to his arrogant persona as he picked up the sword and turned around to face his pursuer."If you want to kill me, don't be wounded when I try and kill you back!!"

"Arrogant ass!!" Esclave screamed as he charged down the ally of tents, the steel of his sword flashing as he lunged.

Vanbinicci blocked his first attack with ease, but the same could not be said for those that followed. It took up all of his concentration to keep up with him, and he quickly realized that he had underestimated Esclave's combat abilities. The clang of steal filled the air as Vanbinicci continued to block Esclave's potentially fatal strikes.

"You are actually pretty good at fighting, I'm surprised," Vanbinicci commented, hiding his fear with a laugh as he narrowly avoided death. "I thought the only thing you knew how to do was kiss up to your beloved General."

"Tch, like that means a lot coming from a general who sleeps around like a depraved manwhore!!" Esclave shot back, madness in his face as he lunged again.

"Fun's over, now I'm fighting to kill," Vanbinicci growled as his face twitched into an angry scowl, enraged by Esclave's insult. No longer content remaining on the defensive he began to make attacks of his own.

"Took you long enough you arrogant bastard!!" Esclave snarled as he blocked one of Vanbinicci's strikes before attacking himself.

The two generals spared back and forth, unaware that their battle was beginning to draw a crowd. After several minutes Meccio pushed his way through the mass of bodies surrounding them with the help of Baccoso. His violet eyes widened as he got to the front of the crowd and caught sight of a deranged Esclave locked in vicious combat with Vanbinicci who was still in his pajamas. "Woah! What's going on here?!" He squeaked in surprise.

"We are in the middle of a duel to the death what does it look like?" Vanbinicci replied, trying to sound light-hearted as one of Esclave's swings came much too close to his face.

"But why?!" The ginger asked, still struggling to understand what he was seeing.

"I've got absolutely no idea!" Vanbinicci shouted merrily as he took an offensive jab of his own.

"Baccoso, stop them!!!" Meccio ordered the giant on a man as he began to shoo the unwilling crowd away.

The bear-like man obliged and picked up each man by the collar of his tunic, hoisting them off the ground and holding them at arm's length away from each other, breaking up the fight effortlessly.

"Put me down!! Let me cut him open so I can feed him his own entrails!!!" Esclave seethed, thrashing and clawing at Baccoso's fist like a wild animal as he lunged towards Vanbinicci.

"Clam down Esclave," general Vilu said sternly, realizing that it was his responsibility to bring the fight to a diplomatic end. "Honestly, I know that you two hate each other, but come on it's not even been a day yet and you are already trying to kill each other - so what's the reason for it?"

"No clue," Vanbinicci said, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. "I just woke up with this crazy bastard trying to kill me."

"Esclave, what happened to make you act this rashly?" Meccio asked, looking at the older general with both concern and exasperation."It's not like you at all."

"It's his fault... It's all his fault..." Esclave muttered, foaming at the mouth from the physical exertion as he made weak gestures to reach Vanbinicci who was still being held out of reach by Baccoso.

"What is?" Meccio pressed him.

"Y/N-General Denlleonis has fallen ill!" He snarled as he made eye contact with the other generals. "I'm not sure what She and Vanbinicci did while they are away, but I do know that she lent him her cloak because of that mysterious injury on his shoulder. Which meant that she was vulnerable to catching a chill from all the rain we've been having. She's sick in bed, and it's all because of him!!!"

The three other generals just stood there in shocked silence after Esclave's declaration, unable to comprehend what he had told them. It was unbelievable, yet his extreme actions proved it to be true.


I don't know about you, but I thought that this chapter was pretty funny.

until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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