14. Attempted Seduction.

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Meccio had not been the only one to notice the brazen request that Esclave had made earlier that day. Vanbinicci had also taken an interest when he observed the general ask for a 'blessing' from Y/N.

Vanbinicci was clever enough to see that the superstitious talk had been nothing more than an act to get general Denlleonis to give Esclave the kiss that he desired, but the question remained why did Esclave want a kiss from her in the first place? Vanbinicci had a theory that explained all of the Subedict General's confusing behavior, all he had left was to confirm that his suspicion about him was correct.

Once the sun had set, Vanbinicci ventured out from his tent and into the camp. Clad in a simple soldier's uniform and emerald tunic, he could easily be mistaken for a common soldier had it not been for his confident stride that portrayed an air of nobility.

Before long he had reached the incline on the edge of the military camp where the Estainians had pitched their tents. Even though it was smaller and less elaborate than his tent, it was clear that the tent in the center was the one belonging to the two Estainian generals.

The warm light of a candle shone through the canvas walls, indicating that Esclave was still awake. Without announcing his arrival the brunette pulled the front flap of the tent aside and entered.

Esclave was reflecting with glee on the moment that Y/N had kissed him earlier that day, but his survival instincts kicked in as he felt the presence of someone behind him. He whirled around, pulling a dagger from his belt. Once he recognized the smirking face of Vanbinicci he hastened to mask the infatuated expression he had been wearing with an aggravated glower, "You've got some nerve coming here without permission. So, what do you want?"

"Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to chat," Vanbinicci's smirk widened as the candle flickered, casting deep shadows on his chiseled face. "I couldn't help but notice the peculiar way that general Denlleonis bid you farewell. Tell me is that a common custom in Estain, I never would have guessed?"

"... Get out," Esclave growled after several moments of silence. He kept his voice steady and his face impartial, but his composure crumbled the longer Vanbinicci smirked at him with that knowing glint in his green eyes. "GET OUT BEFORE I RUN YOU THROUGH!!!"

"Oh, touchy aren't you? I was just asking a question and your reaction has given me my answer," The brunette's tone dripped with mockery as he looked down at Esclave. He was pleased to see that he was actually a bit taller than the Subedict General.  "You desire general Denlleonis, don't you?" He asked with a leer.

"N-No... I-I WOULD NEVER-" His blue eyes grew wide as he took an involuntary step back. Panic gripped his heart at being called out for his true feelings towards Y/N.

"Come on, there's nothing to be ashamed of," Vanbinicci told him, clapping a hand on his shoulder in a friendly manner. "With the way she struts around with half of her chest exposed for anyone to see I wouldn't be surprised if all the army wants to bed her, no matter how scary she is-"

Esclave shoved him away roughly, struggling to keep his temper from boiling over. "Don't. Ever. Say. Such. Things. About. Denlleonis. In. Front. Of. Me." He emphasized each word to imply the severity of his threat.

"Give up will you," General Arrogari chuckled condescendingly. "It's plain to see that you'll never have a chance of bedding her, and even if you did what would be the point? She'd make a terrible wife and an even worse mother-"

"YOU WRETCHED SWINE!!!" Esclave seethed, a violent fire blazing in his blue eyes as his face contorted in rage.  He raised the dagger and lunged forward, screaming, "I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE FOR INSULTING HER LIKE THAT!!!"

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