34. Feverish.

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After Esclave's irate declaration the four generals erupted into a fierce bout of arguing. They squabbled back and forth for over half an hour before it was decided reluctantly that Esclave would be the one in charge of nursing general Denlleonis back to health while the others made sure that the news of her illness did not spread to the rest of the camp.

Esclave knelt on the ground next to Y/N's cot only vaguely aware of the sounds of talking coming from outside the tent, his sole focus on the figure lying in the cot.

Y/N's breaths were ragged and her cheeks flushed with fever. She would drift in and out of consciousness, in her more aware moments claiming that she was not sick at all, even though it was obviously a lie.

Despite everything Esclave did to try and explain it to her she remained obstinate and refused to accept the fact that she had fallen ill. After Esclave left her asleep only to return to find that she had tried to go about her normal business only to collapse a few paces away from the tent with half her armor on he resolved to not leave her side until she returned to full health.

The other generals brought him food and what medicine they could smuggle in without alerting the army doctors, afraid that news of general Denlleonis' weak condition could topple the unstable power dynamic in the army.

"Enclave... Fetch my armor," Y/N ordered in a hoarse whisper, breaking through the silence the had filled the tent for the past several hours. "I... I need to... Evaluate the army since my return..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I will have to ignore that order," Esclave said with a grimace as he stared down at the bedridden general. "You can barely stand, you are in no condition to lead the army."

"Nonsense..." She huffed as she pushed a strand of hair from her sweaty forehead and struggled to push herself up into a seated position, the blankets falling away from her shaking body. "I'm fine... I am the descendant of a war god... This is nothing-" before she could say anything else a wave of coughing came over her and she was forced to lay back down, her body convulsing.

"Easy," Esclave fretted as he pulled the blankets more securely around her, a compassionate smile on his face. "Please don't tax yourself, I can handle the army while you recover."

"Don't look at me..." She whispered, turning her back to face him. "I'm a pathetic excuse for a general... I am weak..." Tears flowed down her flushed cheeks as she cried, ashamed of her pitiful condition.

"General Denlleonis, you couldn't be more wrong!" Esclave frantically exclaimed, the sight of Y/N's tears shattering his heart. She meant more to him than his own life and it was his greatest wish to continue to serve at her side for the rest of his days. "You are by far the strongest person I have ever known. You've achieved things that I couldn't even dream of doing! It is my highest honor to serve such an exceptional general and to fight by your side!! You are the one who inspires me to be stronger... I... I would be nothing without you."

He stopped rambling once he noticed that the general had fallen back into a fitful sleep, her tear droplets still glistening on her face like crystal. I-I've never seen her cry before, it breaks my heart, Esclave thought as he dabbed a wet washcloth against her brow. Seeing her reduced to such a shell is the worst torture imaginable... And yet...

He shook his head to clear away such thoughts, but he couldn't help the shiver of pleasure that traveled through him as he realized just how helpless she was. His mind was suddenly consumed by all the inappropriate fantasies he had ever had about her as he realized that he could actually do any one of those things to her in her weakened state. For once he was the one who held the power.

He subconsciously leaned his face closer to Y/N, his eyes locking on her pale lips. He felt his body began to quiver as burning heat took over him, the sight of Y/N's feverish face arousing him more and more. He wanted her so bad.

He bit his lip as he leaned closer to her still, his arousal and his trembling intensifying. all of my desires could, at last, be sated - no! He cut himself off, jerking away from the general. It doesn't matter how badly I may want to, I love Y/N too much to ever do that to her.

He looked down at her alluring unconscious form and even though he still felt desires for her, he repressed them to the best of his ability. "Y/N, I love you so much." He stroked her cheek with his wanting hand before he allowed his trembling fingers to trace their way down her arm. He raised her hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on her knuckle. "I love you too much." He kissed each knuckle in turn, swallowing hard to prevent a low groan from leaving his throat at the innocent yet intimate gesture. "It's tearing me apart instead, but being ripped to shreds has never felt so good."

Only able to restrain his desires so much he stretched out and laid down on the floor and inched his way over to her, as close as he dared. He stopped once he could feel the gentle rhythm of her breathing against his face. His heartbeat was uneven and his breaths were ragged as he labored to keep himself composed despite his closeness to the woman who meant everything to him.

"Mmm, I just can't get enough of you Y/N..." He let out a shaky moan as he continued to drink up the sight of her lying next to him. Gradually he fell asleep too, laying on the floor next to the sickbed of his beloved general.


Esclave has a rare and frightening power to be able to make me feel uneasy. I know that it is supposed to be a given considering that he is a yandere, but after being in this genre for so long I've gotten used to most yandere behavior.

I hope you like him in all his craziness, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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